Chapter XXIV

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As he left Heaven the next morning, all of his friends sat and watched with disapproving expressions. None of them had spoken to him at breakfast. He felt like an outcast.

It was only Laila who had given him a tiny smile when the others weren't looking. He was grateful to have her support, even if she was supporting him quietly. He wondered if maybe he should have her meet Dante. Maybe if she saw that Dante was normal and non-threatening, she could eventually convince the rest of their friends to accept the situation.

Even though he was sad about the reaction of his friends, it all seemed worth it when he landed in the tropical forest and saw Dante. He hugged Dante tightly, not wanting to let go.

"You came back," Dante said, his voice muffled as he hugged Ariel just as tightly.

"Fortunately I didn't have to try too hard. God told me that my choices are my own. No one forbade me to come back to Earth, but they aren't happy."

Dante pulled back. "I'm sorry that your friends didn't react well. Do you think they'll come around eventually?"

"I don't know. I hope they do."

Not wanting to think about it anymore, he kissed Dante, gently at first and then with more passion. Nothing made him happier than to have Dante's arms around him and their lips pressed together. Dante's smoky scent was comforting, like a familiar blanket that he could wrap around himself.

He nuzzled Dante's nose with his own, but froze when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Peeking around one of the trees was another demon, his black eyes wide and trained right on him and Dante.

"Dante," he whispered, his heart beginning to race in his chest. "There's a demon."

"I know," Dante replied casually. "I told my friends about you last night."

"What? Why would you do that?"

"Ari, it's okay," Dante said, reaching up and stroking his cheek. "I know it's a risk, but I told them what you mean to me so they understand how important it is to leave you alone. They said they would, but naturally they want to know what you look like. They're just curious."

"They're here? How many of them?"


Dante turned to the trees and motioned for the demons to come out. Three male demons and two female demons appeared from behind the trees.

One of the male demons was blond like him, but a lot slimmer. The other two male demons had black hair, and one of them was the demon who had attacked him - Dante's friend Azazel. He had to admit that the two female demons were beautiful. One had long red hair and the other had long black hair.

He stepped closer to Dante, not feeling okay with this at all. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" he whispered, glancing over at the group of demons.

"It'll be fine," Dante assured him, putting an arm protectively around his waist.

"So that's him," the blond demon said, staring at Ariel. At least he didn't seem threatening.

"Yes, this is Ariel," Dante said. "Ariel, this is Shax, Beleth, Lilith, Naamah, and Azazel, who you've met before."

He stared at Azazel. The demon's eyes were narrowed and he could tell that Azazel wasn't thrilled with the situation. He hoped Dante was right about him being safe, because he felt pretty scared at the moment.

"He's just as attractive as you said he is," Naamah purred, stepping closer.

He stepped back, hiding behind Dante, and the demons laughed.

"Looks like he's shy," Beleth said.

"Can you blame him?" Dante shot back. "We've attacked him and his friends our entire lives."

Lilith stepped forward. "We're not going to hurt you, Ariel. Dante made sure of that." She held out her hand in greeting.

He glanced up at Dante, and then tentatively stepped around him. He took Lilith's hand, noticing that his own hand was shaking. Her hand was warm and steady, and her smile made him feel a little better.


As he watched Ariel, he realized he should have done this differently. Poor Ariel was clearly terrified. He felt bad for springing this on him with no warning.

Azazel and Beleth kept their distance, but after Lilith shook Ariel's hand, Naamah approached again.

"Behave," he warned her.

She gave him a 'fuck you' smile and then turned back to Ariel. "I'm Naamah, Lilith's girlfriend." Instead of reaching out to shake Ariel's hand, she ran her fingers down Ariel's arm. Ariel visibly flinched.

"I see why Dante likes you. I like you too."

"Naamah, back off," Dante said, his voice low.

"Just admiring your boyfriend," she replied.

Shax stepped closer to Ariel. "Your hair is like mine."

Ariel finally found the courage to speak, but his voice was strained. "I didn't know demons could be blond."

"I'm special," Shax replied, grinning.

"No, you're not," Azazel cut in. He focused his gaze on Ariel. "Don't listen to him. He's a liar and he's not special."

Ariel nodded, not seeming to want to meet Azazel's eyes.

"By the way, sorry for attacking you," Azazel continued. "At the time, I didn't know it wasn't allowed."

"It's okay," Ariel said, his voice quiet and shaky.

"I think that's enough for now," Dante interjected. "You all met him, you know what he looks like, and you know to leave him alone."

His friends grumbled, but they took off, leaving him and Ariel alone. He pulled Ariel close to him and wrapped him in a hug.

"I'm sorry. I should have told you about this first. I wasn't even sure if you'd be here today, and I was too focused on keeping you safe. I didn't think about how you'd feel."

Ariel clung to him, but he was quiet.

"Are you mad at me?"

"A little."

He knelt down, taking Ariel's hands in his own. "Ari, I'm sorry. Truly, I am. Please don't be mad at me, because I don't want to spend what little time we have being mad at each other."

Ariel managed a smile. "I don't want that either. I don't hold grudges anyway."

"Of course you don't."

Ariel pulled him to his feet. "Let's go lay down. I just want to be with you."

"I want nothing more," he replied, squeezing Ariel's hand.


At the end of the day when he had to say goodbye to Ariel, he kept stalling. He hated this. Having to leave Ariel's side and go back to Hell to sleep in his rocky bed, all alone, was torture. He wanted to sleep next to Ariel through the night. It was starting to become unbearable that he couldn't, and he hated every minute away from Ariel.

"I wish things were different," he murmured.

"Me too," Ariel said.

"Do you think they ever could be?"

"I don't know." Ariel's voice was soft and sad.

He hugged Ariel tighter, savoring their last few minutes together. It was times like these when he wished he had a different life. 

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