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It's been around 2 hours of hanging out, playing football and talking to Nick.

"Right it's literally dark and dude I think my mom is going to kill me" Nick groaned as he stood up.

"Yeah same here, Welp I wish you luck bro" I stood up and walked down the other side of the hill, Nick followed.

"Look if you need to talk to me about George, I won't be bothered, I'm always here, okay?."

I nodded, I kind of forgot about George's date with Natalie.

"Bye Nick, I'll see you at school on Monday or we can hang out tomorrow, I don't really mind."

"Cya Clay!."

We both walked separate ways, i heard a ringing from my phone.

Accept Decline

I'm in for it.

I accepted the call to be welcomed with shouting down the other end.

"CLAY!," she shouted down the phone "YOU BETTER BE ON YOUR WAY HOME MR."

"I am mom."


"No...no I don't mom."


"Mom I don't smoke,drink or sniff, I'll be home in 5 minutes."

She hung up, jeez I'm in for it.

I accounted a road, setting is specific for what I saw.It was starting to rain, the pitch night sky had no light, no stars, no moon.

There were two pavements showing off the start of town, more specifically 'The Arcade' and 'Dollar tree', there was a ally way in between both stores.

I normally walk past this road, to get on the other pavement, ya know, like a normal human being.

I saw two figures in the ally way hiding from the heaver rain.

I saw the figures, faintly.

It was a male that seemed quite short but the woman was around a few inches smaller.

The female was in a blush pink dress.Atleast that's what I saw from the distance.She had black high heels on, she was still shorter then the male.

Then I focus on the male.he was wearing a basic black sweater and black sweats...

Isn't that what...George wore? When he was at mine?.

My eyes widened, I was froze, staring at them.

The female went on her tiptoes, her fingers stuck to the males.

The female got closer into the male and they shared a slow, long kiss.

I sped-walked off back to mine.

I entered the house.

"CLAY!," My mother started my stoped straight after she saw my face, "Clay...Clay baby what's wrong?."

I looked at the mirror that was on the all way wall, my face was red, my eyes was full with tears, my freckles were no longer visible Because of my red cheeks, my hair and hoodie was soaking wet.

"Get it over with" I said though sniffs.

My mother didn't know what to say, "clay bare I'm so sorry if I made you ups-."

We heard elephant footsteps sprint down the stairs.

"Clay!." My sister sighed in relief but then stopped dead in her tracks, like what my mom did.

"Mom what did you do!?" Drista raised her voice at the woman that stood there, staring at me.

"She did nothing, something came up" I muttered, wiping my nose with my sleeve which was dripping with rain.

Mom and Distra both walked up at the same time and gave me a hug, patches was hugging my legs, purring.


Me and Natalie pull away from the kiss, it felt great but it also felt...wrong?.

I felt like I was betraying someone, but who is there to betray?

We looked into each others eyes, she pulled me into a hug, I gave her one back.

"We should get home," I said rubbing my neck "I'll walk you, only if you're okay with that of course."

She nodded, "sure I don't see why not."

"Right we'll you might have to show me the wa-"

She held my hand all of a sudden and planted a light kiss on my nose, "come on,silly."

She lead me the way to hers and we said our goodbyes, I walk home and get changed out of my soaking wet clothes.

I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in" I called.

"Georgie your back," it was mum she obliviously came to ask me about the date, "sooo how did it go?."

I shrugged "it was great!,we had fun" I look at her straight after, she smirked.

"Not to much fun I hope." She winked.

"Mummmmm," I wined "anyways I think it went great but... something weird is happening."

"Oh, what is it?."

"Whenever I kiss her or any physical contact for that matter I can't help but feel....guilt? I think or can't help but think it's wrong that I shouldn't be doing it but I am attracted to her."

My mum looked at me with widened eyes.

"Okay...," she said with an awkward touch at the end of it, "well, have you felt weird around any other person? Or had wired dreams or anything like that."

I froze. Weird dreams.

"Is there anything specific about these dreams?." I asked curiously.

"Like about another person, like doing stuff not always sexual, could just be at a romantic place and doing something romantic, or atleast romantic in your eyes."


What should I say? Should I tell her?

"What does it mean if you have these dreams, with another person of corse or even with that person?."

My mum glared at me.

"It could mean you would rather be with them, you know like them more or even love."

"Oh okay, well...," I had a mind debate "I haven't, I guess I'm just nervous, thanks mum."

She nodded "anytime, you still hungry?."


"I'll order a dominos."

"Thanks mum, love you."

"Love you to" She walked out, shutting the door behind her.

I let out a sigh and lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling.


986 words
Thank you guys so much for 10 votes and over 100 views that's crazy!.

Thank you all so much again next chapter out later on tonight :).

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