Red Haired Shanks (Pt. 2)

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(A/N NOTE) The bold letters are what's happening in the memories. And what's not is what is happening out of the memories. Does that make sense? So there might be ALOT of bold words. Well, I hope this helped!!


Silence enveloped the room. Just a moment ago, there was laughter and half-full jars of beer being slammed onto the table.

But now the only thing you hear is the wind, whistling through the creeks of wood.

The silence was broken by the slow, yet steady footsteps of the 'so well known' bandit.

" Well looky here. Pirates enjoying their time, how nice." The bandit said as he stepped closer and closer towards Shanks. Making a final step, right next to him.

Makino, still needing to serve her customers, welcomed the man as she quickly dropped what she was doing.

" We are bandits. We're not here to reck this place, yet we need 10 barrels of your finest liquor." The man stated as the rest of his group snickered with evil smirks.

" I'm sorry sir, but we're out of sake at the moment," Makino said with a worried expression.

Meanwhile, Shanks is still stuffing his face with the food he recently got.

" Strange... these pirates seem to be drinking well. What is that, water in their cups?" The tone in his voice gave off more of a frustrated video than a curious one.

Ace, Sabo, and Luffy eyed the bandit, watching as a creepy smile crept onto his face only for a spilt second. Then changing back to his scowling one.

" Oh sorry about that friend. I guess my crew and I drank the whole place dry." Shanks said with a toothy grin.

" Here, if you want, have this. I haven't even opened it yet." Shanks handed him a bottle of sake.

The bandit reached down towards the bottle, stopping, then swatting it back towards Shank's direction.

Soaking him in the process.

" I'm a wanted man, worth 8 million Belli. One measly bottle isn't gonna cut it." The said bandit spatted.

Everyone was now curiously wondering how the famous Red-Haired Shanks dealt with this situation.

" Oh no, now the floors all wet. I'm sorry Makino, mind handing me a rag." Shanks simply said, unbothered by the fact that he was just looked down upon.

The man unsheathed his sword and cut the table, making the things on it split in half.

" Looks like you enjoy cleaning. Hope this makes you happy." The man said as he put his sword back into its rightful place.

" How pitiful. Let's go, no need to waste our time here." He said as he walked out of the bar, followed by his group.

No one spoke. Everyone was quiet. Yet, it didn't last long enough for anyone watching to question it.

Everyone burst into laughter, which gained some question marks around people's heads as they watched what was happening.

A smirk grew on Shanks' face as he watches the scene play out.

" WHY ARE YALL LAUGHING? WHY DIDN'T YOU FIGHT BACK SHANKS!?" Luffy yelled, clearly frustrated.


Now watching a raven-haired kid, questioning the redhead as to why he has chosen not to fight.

Everyone understands the reason the redhead is so calm and unfazed. Even Luffy himself... as he too dealt with the same problem back in Mock Town.

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