34 | latibule

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latibule (n.)

a hiding place; a place of safety and comfort

* * *

MY anger brought me to the trailhead at Eli's spot—well, more like our spot. I had been there far too many times to simply call it 'Eli's spot.'

Going there ensured that he would come find me sooner or later, but I didn't care. He wouldn't leave me alone until our fight was resolved, so might as well get the apologies over with.

I debated on sitting outside in the pouring rain, but decided against it. The ground was still covered in snow from the nor'easter last week, and it was turning into a muddy brown slush due to the rain.

I'd likely slip and fall off the cliff if I made the trek out there. Potentially dying over a petty fight wasn't worth it, no matter how upset I was.

Instead, I sat in my car, cranking the heat to stay warm.

Drinking my melted milkshake, I relived our conversation turned argument. Was I in the wrong? Was cursing Eli out and ditching him overkill?

No. If anything, it was under-kill.

Eli deserved it for being such an asshole. If he didn't see that what he did was wrong, then he could go fuck himself. Or not—I didn't care what he did.

A loud banging on my window shook me out of my thoughts. I wiped the condensation and saw Eli standing there, a sheepish smile on his mud-caked face.

He rolled his wrist, motioning for me to roll the window down.

I locked the car in response.

He pulled on the door handles and knocked again. "Char, please let me in," his muffled voice begged. "Please? I want to talk. Pretty please, Char, I really wanna talk."

I ignored him.

He pressed his face up to the window, smushing it against the glass. "I know you can hear me. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. It was uncalled for."

I sat there, trying to keep a stoic face as he made silly faces to get my attention.

"C'mon, you're just going to let me freeze out here? I'm all wet and muddy and cold."

Relenting, I cracked open the window. "And why should I let a wet and muddy idiot into my clean and dry car?"

"Because... Because you're a good person and I'll love you forever?"

I sighed and hit the unlock button. "Get in the car, Cameron."

He comically dashed over to the passenger seat and flung himself into the car, probably worried that I'd lock him out if he took too long.

I kept my face impassive as he invaded my personal space, giving me ridiculously cute puppy dog eyes. "Pwease forgive me?"

He had a lot of nerve. Acting like a literal child took all the sincerity out of his already half-assed apology.

"You're not going to say anything?" he asked.

I reached over and punched him weakly in the chest.

He didn't even flinch as my fist slammed into his left pec. "Alright, I definitely deserved that."

I wanted to use more force and hurt him, but it was like my brain blocked me from doing so. I was pissed off at Eli, but I still didn't want to see him in pain.

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