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Alex's POV:


"Mission: escape" Yeah, that's what I call it. It explains my everyday struggle to save myself from a certain 'supreme evil spirit' a.k.a mom.

I've been tip-toeing out and around my home since a few days now. Mom had long back filled in the shoes of the wedding planner and she's expecting me to help her out.

It's safe to say that I've never before loved my busy work schedule more.

Everyone has finally agreed upon a winter wedding, and mom is adamant on making it perfect. If that's her goal, I don't see how I could be of any help. If it was up to me, I would just put up some Christmas lights and call it a day. Clearly that's nowhere near mom's idea of a 'perfect wedding'.

Very quietly, like a ninja I climbed down the stairs stealthily, and looked around to check if the coast was clear.

"Hey Lexi, where to?" Dad called out loudly, halting me in my spot, as I cringed at his deep resonating voice and crouched behind the stone banister as if it was somehow supposed to protect me. Cursing under my breath, I turned around to see him standing there, all dolled up in his suit and tie, looking like he was ready to head out. Not this again!

"What?" I whisper-yelled at him.

"You can take the day off, I'll swing by the office today, see how the work is going..." Dad suggested as if he was trying to help me, this wasn't the first time and I wasn't fooled.

"Alex, you're leaving for work?" Suddenly Mom appeared, frowning at me for 'wanting to earn my living'. I glared at my father, who looked like a kid in the candy store.

"Yes mom, I know I promised to help out, but I have a very important meeting to attend." I told her straight out, without beating around the bush. I even pretended to be sad for her sake.

"No you don't." Dad interrupted "we're switching back" Dad was trying to beat me at my own game.

My eyes narrowed "We are not! You can't do that..." I said, as warning alarms went off in my mind.

"Yes I can, and I will" dad chimed innocently.

Mom scoffed "stop it with your 'fake-work-mode' both of you".

"Fake? I'm not being fake, dad is!" I said accusingly.

Dad gasped overdramatically.

"Go party with your buddies or something..." I suggested, "I'm off to work!" And with that I ran. Dad thankfully couldn't catch up.

Traffic was insufferable, but I somehow got to my office with a few minutes to spare.

My assistant Will had no appreciation however. "You barely made it on time..." he said, not looking up at me while he was busy setting up a small pile of files on my table.

"Morning Will" I replied, as I rounded the glass table and settled in my chair.

"I see you won the war today." Will said, well aware of the brawl that breaks out in the morning at home, between me and my father.

"Yeah, somehow I managed. I guess It's time for me to move back to my place, it'll be a bit far, but at least I won't have to fight my way to work every morning." I sighed.

Will seemed positively uninterested with my reply "well then, I suggest you make the most of it."

"And I plan to do exactly that" I sighed in a deep breath "what's in store for today, and what's the status on the embargo, is import still halted?"

"There is no change, a meeting is scheduled in an hour in the conference room-...." and just like that, I was cut off from reality and pulled into the corporate world, with deadlines looming over my head, boring meetings, and time was flying by way too quickly for my liking.

Lunch break came and went, I've been sitting in my office in the same chair for what feels like forever, the sun was about to set outside my window where the sky was slowly turning a tinge of saffron.

My phone rang and I looked down at it only to smile with amusement to see his name flash on the caller ID. Damn, he was persistent and I'd be lying if I said it didn't matter...

I didn't pick up right away, and when I did, my voice was indifferent.

"Hello." I said simply.

"I miss you..." He said bluntly, catching me off guard with his tone. It's been a week since I last saw him and I missed him too... damn it!

"What do you want Jensen?" I asked, as I tried not to sound too affected by his confession.

He didn't speak for a moment, and I almost expected a cheesy reply and was just about ready to cringe, but he sighed and said, "Nothing particularly..."

"Why did you call?" I asked. It wasn't in his nature to make idle phone calls, but here he was, calling me almost everyday. Sometimes he even texted and that was a whole new level of odd. I did not think Jensen Black is the type to flirt via texting. Guess we learn something new everyday.

"To distract you from work of course...." He said, "You've been distracting me constantly, so I decided to return the favor." This man. A smile formed on my face.

"I see. How very considerate of you." I said, as I placed my pen down and leaned back in my reclining chair.

"Yeah, I'm a generous guy..." He said, I could hear a smile in his voice and wished I could see it.

"Now that you've successfully broken my work momentum, can I get back to try'n attain it again?" I wasn't kidding, the huge pile of documents and paperwork on my desk was eyeing me with disdain, while I tried to look elsewhere.

"That pile of work is never going to dwindle down, you might as well give yourself a much needed break." He said, almost as if he could read my mind. "Besides, I need to hear your voice for at least ten more minutes, otherwise I might not function sensibly."

"I can't afford to take a break when deadlines are looming overhead..." I said, deciding not to comment on the latter half of his sentence.

"You are starting to sound like me, should I be concerned?" He asked.

"That sounds weird coming from you..." I said, honestly. "And so you should be more worried about yourself."

"I'll survive." He said, "but, it's nice to know you still care."

I had to roll my eyes, but my lips were pulled up in a smile I couldn't fight. There was no point in denying.

"I heard Carson is facing some charges, it looks pretty bad too, you wouldn't have anything to do with it, right?" He asked. Of course he found out.

The conversation I had with Morgan a few days ago came to my mind, but I neither confirmed, nor denied. "I have to go, some very urgent work has come up."

"Wait! We have four more minutes of me complimenting you and you brushing me off, don't ruin my daily custom..." He said pressingly.

"Not today..." I said, "Bye Jensen." I hung up on him, chuckling as he fussed on the other end. That was too much fun.

Shit! I should not be having fun...I chastised myself to no avail. A smile stayed on my face till the end of the day while I finished my work before going home.


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