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Chapter 2: AFTERMATH


Alex's POV:

I see why they say you shouldn't date someone you work with.

Other than all the reasons and all the dramatic descriptions of things going downhill, the most important part is... It's both your job and your feelings at stake, and when you lose one, you can't keep the other. In the end, you have nothing.

I've stopped randomly crying after the first couple of days but I'm still depressed.

I almost forgot my life is not as great as I pretend it is... but I wanted to forget and escape just for a while, Jensen made me forget. But maybe I should have remembered. Remembered why I gave up on romantic relationships in the first place, why I was so hesitant.

And what happened now had made me remember everything all too vividly. Maybe this is a good thing... It at least helped crash me back to reality.

It's for the best.

Since last few days, I've gone right back to lazing in my bed as I tried not to drown myself deeper in the sea of self-pity, even more than I already have. And also, I was unemployed. Again.

Back to square one....apparently.

Is it weird for me to suddenly feel that my apartment is too big after I've been living here for the last few months?

Maybe I was spending too much time here. Or maybe I've been too lonely and now I'm losing my mind.

I don't feel like doing anything, I didn't even apply for a different job.
Writing that resignation letter was one last professional thing I had done, after which I confined myself to the closed space of my room and devoured unhealthy food while feeling sorry for myself.

Kate calls me every day, and tries to pull me out of my self deprecating thoughts but fails miserably. But she wouldn't give up. She's been keeping me updated on all the things going on in my former office.

A few days ago my name was cleared of any suspicion and the one really responsible for the crime was found. I knew that would happen eventually, but still, it filled me with relief.

Kate cussed about Jensen like a sailor, and though it made me feel a bit better, it didn't really matter.

Yesterday she called me to tell me how no one in the office really knows why I resigned except for her and Nick so there's a lot of speculation and rumours circulating among the employees. Of course, this was to be expected.

One of the rumours apparently says that 'I quit because Jensen dumped me.' I had to scoff at that one.

While there's another rumour that says 'I resigned and broke up with him because Jensen apparently cheated on me.' None of these were even close to the truth.

This morning when she called she went all 'Kate' on me and told me to "stop throwing a pity party and go rock the world!" or something along those lines.

I know she's right but I just can't bring myself to do it. At least not yet.

Shit!  I'm being one of those people who think their life is over just because they are going through a break-up.

If the past me would travel in time and see me like this, she would beat the hell out of me for being so pathetic.

Morgan has visited me a couple of times, she apologized for not answering my phone since she was in a court hearing with her client and I brushed it off, I was forced to put my brave face on. She told me about the time she went to see Jensen for giving him the documents of the deal.

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