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"Mother that is much too tight!" Eleanor squeaked as her mother pulled her corset tighter around her small frame. 

"Quite your gripping Eleanor, no daughter of mine will be walking around with a loose corset!" Laura grumbled as she tightly tied the white corset up and stood back, admiring her work. 

"What will the other girls say when they see me wearing a corset mother?" Eleanor asked. 

"That you're a young lady, you can't help that you developed much faster than the other girls Elle. You mustn't listen to their teases, their only jealous of your figure." Laura smiled as she handed her daughter one of the many dresses her father had mailed to her. 

Eleanor nodded and slipped on the pink dress with lace, her father had sent it to her in the mail along with many other parcels. He was on a business trip and had already been away for a month, but he often sent Eleanor and her family gifts to make up for it. The Park family was a wealthy family in New York at the time, but decided to move to a smaller and quainter town to get away from all the bustle. 

Eleanor was used to the stares, since she was only fifteen and wearing a corset. Most girls don't wear a corset or gurgle until the age of sixteen, but Laura noticed Eleanor was developing much faster than the other girls. So she thought it was only fitting that her daughter was dressed in her first "training" corset, which just meant a less noticeable corset. Laura understood the scandal known as an underage girl wearing a corset, and she could see the nerves written all over her daughters face as she fixed the off the shoulder sleeves of her dress. 

"You look beautiful Eleanor, now go on and get downstairs. I'm sure Alvin is already dressed and ready." Laura stated as she shoo'd her daughter out of the room. 

Eleanor glanced at herself in the mirror and smiled, she really did look beautiful. She made her way down the stairs to see Alvin feeding Harvey in his highchair. 

"There you are! I was wondering if I would just have to walk to school by myself." Alvin grumbled as he handed Harvey the spoon, he instantly threw it towards the floor. 

Eleanor smiled at her younger brother, he was only nine months and a handful of trouble. He always found ways to get to stuff he shouldn't be in, last week he had drank a whole bottle of cinnamon oil. Laura rushed him to the town doctor in Avonlea, he said that Harvey would be fine. While the young boy himself was giggling, Laura bent down and gagged at the pure cinnamon spell wafting from his mouth. 

"Well come along, we don't want to be late on our first day do we?" Alvin smiled as he handed Eleanor her strap of books. 

She carefully grabbed them and held them to her chest as she grabbed her and her brothers lunch. The two walked down the path of their large house and through the woods, Eleanor had to hold her dress up to avoid ruining it in the mud. 

"I cannot believe mother is making me wear this. Of course I look beautiful, but it's quite the handful." she grumbled as she stepped over a large puddle of water. 

"Looks like it...that's another reason I'm happy to be a boy. Being able to wear pants and a random shirt and vest everyday has its perks." Alvin grinned. 

"I was allowed to wear pants in New York, but I'm afraid that they wouldn't be very kind about that in this closeted in this little town. I can only imagine how much scandal will become of me wearing a corset." she grumbled and finally let her dress down as they walked through a large field. 

"I don't see why it's any of their business what you wear, along as your happy that's all that matters." 

"Oh Alvin, if only being a woman was that easy." 

𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐁𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now