Chapter 20: Darkness

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Sorry I didn't write much about the actual competitions of the Sports Festival! To be honest, those episodes/pages are just so good, I didn't think my writing could do it justice... Anyway, I hope you're still enjoying it!

"Hey y/n, it's been awhile."

My heart dropped, "D-Dabi?...."

"What? Expecting someone else?"  He smirked.

I was completely frozen.

"Put that away, y/n. You're going to hurt someone." He said, gesturing to my sword.

"Not a chance in hell. What are you doing here, Dabi?" I said, trying to sound tough but my voice was shaking like crazy.

"Well, I came to see you of course." He was standing perfectly still, smiling. His hands were in his pockets.

Don't let yourself be caught off guard. Don't fall for his trap.

"Shigaraki said you were working at UA now. I just had to come to see for myself."

"Tell that asshole to keep my name out of his mouth."

He laughed, "Glad to see you haven't lost your fire."

"Lost my fire? He must've forgot to tell you how I sliced up his little monster the last time we met."

"Oh no, I saw that myself. We were cleaning up the blood for days." He laughed again.

I actually wasn't sure if Nomu had died when I kicked it through the portal at the USJ... good to know it did.

"I thought heroes weren't supposed to kill?" He asked sarcastically.

I stood up straight, "You want to find out?"

His eyes flashed a hint of sadness at my threat, but just for a moment, "I just came to talk, y/n."

"So talk..."

"Come with me."

"You must be out of your mind..." I said as I put my sword away. It didn't look like there was going to be a fight after all.

How unfortunate.

"You still trust me I see," he said.

"I just know you'd be a fool to attack me alone... You're a lot of things, Dabi, but you're not stupid."

He laughed, "I've missed you, y/n."

My heart felt heavy with his confession, and I quickly looked to the ground.

"Do you ever think about me?" He asked in a soft voice.

Yes, more than I care to admit actually... But I couldn't tell him that.

"Just a couple weeks ago your buddies tried to kill me." I reminded him.

"You weren't supposed to be there!" He yelled in frustration, "I made sure of that before we planned the attack."

What the hell is he talking about? How would he know that?

"You were supposed to have the day off."

"Where are you getting your information, Dabi?"

This is not good. Does UA have a leak? A traitor?

"Answer my question first..."

"What the hell, Dabi!? Where are you getting your information!!" I was getting really pissed now.

"Y/n, please.... I have to know." His face revealing his desperation, "Do you ever think about me?"

"Why would I?"

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