Chapter 19: UA Sports Festival

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"You've done a great job training them," Kamui Woods said as he approached me in the stands.

I was watching the Calvary Battle intensely.

"All of your students placed in the top of the first competition." He continued, "How'd you manage that?"

I glance at him with a smirk, "This is all them. I've got nothing to do with it."

I couldn't have been more proud. Almost all of 1A placed highly in the first round and it looked like the second round wouldn't be any different.

"Yea, but the ones you train personally... They're the best UA has seen in years."

"I'm glad they're all doing so well, but the next round is going to be rough. They'll all end up battling each other."

"So, who's your favorite?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Why, looking for an intern?" I smirked.

"Maybe," Kamui smiled. "Let me guess, the hot-headed one."

I laughed, "And what makes you guess that?!"

"Because he must remind you of yourself."

We were both laughing, "You're not wrong."

Just then, the alarm sounded for the end of the round.

"Nice work, Tokoyami," I mumbled to myself.

"Looks like he got that extra band just in time."

"Looks like it," I said, beaming with pride.

"Wow, Amaterasu, I've never seen you light up like this. I guess they found your soft spot?" He asked.

"You have no idea," I said smiling. "These kids, they've changed everything."

"I'm just glad to finally see you happy. You deserve it, you know."

I looked over at him and smiled. Kamui's always been such a nice guy.

"Thanks, Kamui. I better get to my next post!"

I gave him a quick hug and went on my way.


The first round of the one-on-one battles had ended.

It was so difficult to watch Shinso's and Midoriya's match up. They were both some of my favorite students.

Plus, I had become increasingly more upset that Shinso wasn't in the hero course. He deserved it, maybe more than anyone.

I was lost in thought while patrolling the bottom of the stands when I heard two voices yelling.

"Endeavor," I called out. "Don't you have something to do other than harass children?"

Shoto looked shocked as I walked up to his side.

"Amaterasu, this doesn't concern you," he growled.

"Well, considering Shoto is my student, this actually does concern me."

"You will call him Todoroki!" Endeavor yelled.

"Endeavor, I will say this one time. You do not want to cross me. Get back to the stands," I commanded calmly.

I turned to Shoto, "Shoto, you have a match to prepare for. You should get going."

I put my hand on his shoulder.

I saw the sadness in his eyes. The exhaustion of having to deal with his father. His hurt and disappointment.

"Amaterasu!!!" Endeavor yelled, bringing fire to his palms.

Shoto was frozen, staring at his father. I don't think he was used to Endeavor lashing out at other people.

Yes, Shoto, he hates me too.

I laughed softly, "You're an embarrassment, Endeavor. Now, if you'll excuse us."

I turned to Shoto and put my arm around him, walking him to stadium entrance, Endeavor still shouting behind us.

I turned to Shoto before he walked out into the ring, and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Shoto, I am so proud of you. Not matter what happens. No matter what you choose to do. I will always be on your side. I will always be proud of you."

He started to tear up and broke eye contact, "Thank you. I plan on winning...without my father's quirk."

I quickly pulled him into a hug, "Shoto, he will never be as strong, or as kind, or as heroic as you. This is your quirk, not his. And with it, you'll change the world."

I pulled away, "Kick some ass." I gave him a wink.

"B-But don't you train Midoriya too?"

I laughed, "Yes, but you inspire me Shoto."

"I'll be cheering you on!" I shouted while walking away.

He turned and walked into the stadium, and I heard the crowd go wild at his appearance.

I went into the stands to watch his match. I didn't have much time before my next patrol, but this was important.

I exhaled deeply as the match began.

Shoto, you're so much more special than you realize.


Shoto defeated Midoriya. I did feel bad for Midoriya, I mean, he was my student too.

But Shoto needed my unwavering support right now, so I made sure he knew how proud I was.

He used his fire quirk, too. Midoriya really got to him.

Some of us are inspired and some of us inspire... Midoriya was definitely someone who lived to inspire, and I admired him for that.

He brought out the best in everyone. It was a heroic virtue to say the least.

I was patrolling some of the back exits, lost in thought, when I thought I heard something strange.

Breathe, y/n. I'm sure it's nothing.

There hadn't been any interruptions or signs of the LoV all day, and I doubt they would show up now that the festival was almost over.

I was near a tunnel that led to the outer grounds, so I went to check if anything was there.

As I walked out of the tunnel and into the sunlight, I saw a purple vortex beginning to form.

Shit... this is not happening.

I got into an attack stance and drew my sword, ready to fight.

A man stepped out of the portal, "Hey y/n, it's been awhile."

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