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Mikaella's POV


My chest went wild, palpitating like hell from being nervous when Jeohee suddenly went to his brother's side and hugged him. I couldn't even stop cursing mentally thinking out of all people who could help us, Jeonghan and his team were unluckily here witnessing our state.

"Jeohee?" I heard Jeonghan uttered with full of confusion. "What happened?"

I know his question were meant to be mine. His sister was now crying on his arms as he was hugging her back. But his gaze were fixed on me the whole time. I think I'm going insane though. Jeonghan's stares were felt like daggers being pierced through my being. Any minute now, I'll be expecting his anger and blame.

"I am asking you, what happened?!" I jolted in surprise when his voice went loud. I am now slowly feeling his anger at the way he threw that question.

After gathering my strength, I cleared my throat before I replied. "A guy. He tried to kidnapped us. He, he offered us a ride while we were looking for a taxi. And--" As I remembered what happened a while ago, I can't help but feel anxious. I can't even explain it to him properly. "And we thought he was being nice, so we---"

"What?!" He exclaimed. I can't help jerking on my place hearing his outburst. I guess it was because of what happened. My mind was still clouded from the thoughts about earlier.

"What were you thinking?!" He furiously exclaimed at me again. "That guy was a stranger! You should've thought everything that could possibly happen once you go with him!"

"I know. I've been so stupid and I'm sor--"

"You really are so stupid. You're so fool and brainless! Now look what happened? You just put my sister's life in danger. What do you think would happen to the two of you if we didn't pass here, huh? " I just lowered my head accepting all his words even if my arm is tingling from the pain. "You're always irresponsible and ignorant at everything!"

Maybe he would stop if I wouldn't talk back. I mean, he won't listen to me anyways. Its better to be quiet than to argue with him.

"Oppa! Will you please stop?. It wasn't unnies fault. It was mine." I heard Jeohee disagree as she pulled herself away from her brother's embrace.

"Still, if you only both you listened to me in the first place, you wouldn't be here running away for your life." Jeonghan reprimanded. "Do not tell me that it wasn't her fault Jeohee. She is much older than you and she could've stopped everything that happened if she just used her goddamn mind."

"What's going on here?"

I immediately raised my head when a bunch of people, or should I say guys, came into my view. I then realized that it was Jeonghan's other members.

"Nothing Scoups. I already dealt about it. Let's go." Jeonghan just answered without taking a glance at me.

Just then, he grabbed Jeohee with him and pulled her inside their car. He didn't even give her the chance to listen to her pleas about me and continously dragged her inside.

I just gave Jeohee a reassuring smile and gave her a nod. Even if I keep on thinking how I will be able to go home once they leave me here, I still gave her a sign that I'm just fine. Though in reality, I am not.

I'm scared. I really am. That Ken was chasing before us earlier and I know once they leave me, I would be alone running for my life. I can't even imagine running again as I slowly felt the exhaustion creeping in my system.

"Ya, Jeonghan hyung! Will you just leave her alone here?" If I am not mistaken, the one who just talked was Seungkwan. "Its too dark and its getting late. Maybe we should just drop her home."

I Wish // Yoon Jeonghan FFWhere stories live. Discover now