the one with the monkey

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third person pov

gianna had made a brave appearance at work the following week in order to collect her things. the office was filled with whispers as she placed her things into the cardboard boxes. 

"need some help?" gianna turns her head over her shoulder to see eric leaning against the doorway. she smiles weakly before turning back. 

"i'm sure you don't want to be seen talking to me." she replies quietly before he crouches beside her and helps her place things into the box. 

"listen, i know this is really hard-" gianna gives him a look "-but you're brilliant gianna. you're going to do amazing things." he finishes and gianna smiles weakly, continuing to put things into a box. "also, i was wondering if you wanted to go and get coffee some time?" there was a pause. gianna wasn't quite sure what to say. 

"eric, as sweet as you are, i'm just not ready at the moment." she mutters and he nods. 

"i understand. then, could i get your number? then perhaps, if you change your mind?" eric continues and gianna looks up at him with a soft smile. 



everyone but ross was hanging out in monica and rachel's apartment later than afternoon. gianna was sitting at the kitchen table as ross pokes his head through the front door. 

"guys? there's somebody i'd like you to meet." he says, a bright smile on his face. "i think he might cheer you up gianna." gianna raises her eyes from her hands to see a monkey jump onto ross' shoulder. 


"w-wait. what is that?" monica stammers, looking at the monkey cautiously. gianna feels a smile creep to her lips before standing from the table. 

"that would be marcel. you guys wanna say hi?" ross smiles, holding his arm out for marcel to climb along. immediately marcel climbs onto gianna, resting gently on her shoulder. 

"oh, he is precious! where did you get him?" rachel fawns, smiling at the monkey on gianna's shoulder. 

"my friends bethel rescued him from some lab." ross replies, patting his head gently. 

"that is so cruel! why? why would a parent name their child bethel?" phoebe stammers, walking around the table. chandler exits from the bathroom, and smirks when he sees the monkey. 

"hey, that monkey's got a gianna on its ass!" he jokes, earning a slap from monica. 

"ross, is he gonna live with you, like in your apartment?" monica asks, obvious freaked by marcel. gianna holds her hands up and pretends to be giving him a piggy back ride. 

"yeah. i mean, it's been kinda quite since carol left, so..." 

"why don't you just get a roommate?" monica argues and ross shakes his head. 

"nah, i dunno...i think you reach a certain age, having a roommate is kinda pathe-" he realises everyone's gaze on him. "...sorry, that's, that's 'pathet' which is sanskirt for 'really cool way to live'." he smiles and everyone but gianna rolls their eyes at him. chandler smiles softly as he watches gianna play with marcel as if they had known each other for years. 


everyone but joey is lounging in central perk. gianna sat shoulder to shoulder with chandler, watching as phoebe plays with her guitar. 

"so you guys, i'm doing all new material tonight. i have twelve new songs about my mother's suicide, and one about a snowman." phoebe smiles, continuing to play with her guitar. 

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