Part 22

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Finally, Saturday came. I got dressed enthusiastically, putting on the same outfit as my last visit. It was almost 11 o'clock and I was too excited to eat so I instead grabbed one of the protein bottles in the fridge from the untouched case that Jas had bought for Adele. I perched by the living room windows, the bottle in my hand. I finished the drink minutes later as Seal's car pulled up. I noticed Zavier's head in the passenger's seat.

Calling bye to everyone, except for Adele who I knew was sleeping, I flew out of the house, practically jumping into the backseat of Seal's vehicle, greeting him and Zavier. "I see someone's hyped," Zavier observed.

"Not that she doesn't have a reason to be," Seal said, pulling out of my driveway.

All I could do was sit there and smile, my heart beating faster than usual. Zavier was right. I was ecstatic to see Kenny and I didn't care at all that we were going to a place where many criminals were locked up. My mind was just going: Kenny! Kenny! Kenny! *

My heart somersaulted as we made it to our destination and I suddenly felt extremely nervous. But in a good way. We found a place to park and entered the building. After going through the same process of signing in as last time, we were finally accepted to go in and see Kenny. Zavier insisted that I go in first. Despite my nervousness, I didn't object.

I was led into a large, bright room, scattered with round tables, some of them occupied. I scanned the large area. The security guard accompanying me pointed out a table to me as we neared the far end of the large space. My heart fluttered as my eyes fell on Kenny. He was sitting at a table, looking handsome as ever, even in an orange jumpsuit. I couldn't hold back my grin. My chivalrous prince.

His cool trademark smile appeared on his face as he noticed me. He finally got up, not once blinking or taking his eyes off me. As soon as I was within a few feet from reaching him, I started to stretch my arms out for a much needed embrace, which quickly ended before we could even connect, as the security guard said in a gruff voice, "No touching." I slowly put my arms down. "Take a seat. I'll tell you when your time's up. Absolutely no contact is allowed."

I sat down on the opposite side of the table while Kenny sat in front of me. We waited till the guard walked away before Kenny leaned forward and smiled. "Hey baby."

Just those two words together made my heart melt and my body go warm. I lowered my eyes briefly and bit my bottom lip, feeling nervous and excited, kinda like I was on a first date. Only Kenny could make me feel this way. I looked up shyly and swallowed. "Kenny..." His name in my mouth triggered a whole bunch of different emotions.

He leaned more over the table. "How you been?"

I leaned forward as well, inching closer to him. Our hands were a centimeter apart. I found my voice. "I've been good." I couldn't stop smiling. "But, I wanna know about you. How are you doing in here?"

The smile on Kenny's face reassured my concern. "Well, as you can see from my face, I'm definitely a little better than how you saw me last time."

I nodded. "Yeah. You seem... happier." It was weird saying this, considering the circumstances we were in. "It's great seeing you like this. What- what changed?" I was genuinely curious.

Kenny got a slightly sheepish look on his face. "Well, my mama came to visit. That's what changed."

My eyes lit up. "She did? When?"

"Twice already. Once last month before October started and again a few days ago."

"Wow, that's great. How did the visits go?"

When To Put Trust On The LineOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz