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I'll Be
By Edwin McCain

And I'll be your crying shoulder
I'll be love's suicide

English Translation for Spanish terms:
Mamà - Mom/Mother
Mìja - My daughter

AGE 18

"WHAT HAPPENED to your date?"

Instantly, I recognized that husky voice behind me and who it belonged to. I sat my cup of fruit punch back on the table and turned around in my chair. My large brown eyes scanned over his whole body before I met his gaze. It was Matt Wright. My childhood best friend.

"He flaked on me at the last minute. He had...important things" I lied through my teeth. I tore my eyes away from his and stared down at gymnasium floor. My cheeks flushed bright pink as I scratched behind my left ear.

I didn't have a senior prom date since I hadn't planned on going in the first place. But, Matt didn't know that and he doesn't need to. My Saturday plans included riding rollercoasters at the amusement park with my friends. Not spending a night at senior prom with bad music in a smelly gym. However, my estastic mamà insisted on me attending my senior prom. Míja, prom is a rite of passage for you, if you don't go you'll just regret it in the end, My mamà's wise words echoed through my head.

Matt's broad forehead scrunched up in confusion. "What's more important than senior year prom? What's more important than you?"

"Apparently, a sports game is more important." I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I didn't realize I was fiddling with the orchid petals of my corsage on my wrist. Bits and pieces of the flower set firmly in my lap. Matt didn't notice my lack of lying skills.

He hardly ever notices me anyway, I began to think to myself.

"Wait! There's a sports game going on? Is it the Cowboys?" Matt's deep voice was laced with excitement. He was practically yelling at me, which earned him several glares from our classmates.

I gave him an irritated look. "Matty, that's not the freaking point."

"Oh right." Matty nods his head and points his long finger at me. "Well, do you want to dance with me?" Matt gave me his signature gleaming smile. It was the type of smile that never reaches his eyes. He put a spell on me and I was bewitched. He held his hand out for me, waiting for me to take ahold of it.

"You can't even dance. You've got to left feet Matty." I joked, chuckling lightly. I sent a goofy smile his way. It was true but I knew he hated hearing it. That's why I loved pointing it out though.

Matt's smile vanished. He pursed his big lips together in a straight line. "You can keep making corny jokes and stay lonely at this table. Or you can join me and my two left feet on the dance floor. Which will it be, Dani?"

"Shut up and let's go dance." I placed my hand in the large palm of Matt's and stood to my feet. I pushed my thick glasses up the bridge of my nose with my finger.

I followed him towards the spacious dance floor, filled with a myriad of our senior classmates. The gymnasium glowed with neon blue and neon purple dangling lanterns hanging from the ceiling. The theme for our senior prom was Neon Lights. I'll Be by Edwin McCain began to play softly from the speakers. The second Matt pressed his large palm beneath my shoulder blade, I felt butterflies arrive in my stomach without an invitation. But, I wasn't the only one nervous in this moment. I glance at Matty briefly, he began stroking the nape of his neck in an anxious way.

"Just follow my lead, Matty." I murmured, my hushed tone was loud enough for him to hear. I intertwine my left hand with his right one. It fit so perfectly as if it was meant to be.

It Was Always You (Discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz