Part 30

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In Manik's room

Manik and Nandini stayed in the same position for a quite longer time.

Nandini - Manik speak up na. What's stressing you up so much? I know you are upset with me but when you are in pain , let me in.

Manik still didn't say anything. But then after sometime

Manik - When I came home, I saw Niyonika and Dad arguing over you and Fab5. Though I felt good that dad was supporting you but at the same time all the past memories came back. ....... It has been very long time that I have seen them fighting like this. In fact after dad left to Pune this was the first time I saw them fighting....... This was the exact scene when I was a small kid. Dad loved me more than his own life but he didn't have time for me and Niyonika.... (Dry laugh) she toh never cared for me. She always treated me as a burden when I was a kid. I always wanted a Mom who would love me like anything, care for me, shout at me but sadly I never got one. (Teary eyes) When I was unknown of her reality that time I had hope in my eyes that one day she will caress my head, make me sleep in her lap and all those what mothers do. I don't know what a mother is!...

Manik departed from the hug and saw Nandini's face. Her eyes were filled with tears. He smiled and layed down keeping his head on her lap.

Manik - And the way you are crying after hearing me...... No one did. Because I never let anyone hear me. She created a monster within me....... That woman who is unfortunately my mother created this evil Manik Malhotra. She made me realise that Hope doesn't exist. She literally killed my hope when (Hestitated with teary eyes) I saw her sle.epin.g with H.ars.ha.d. This incident is still a clear memory. The only happiness I had with me was music and my friends. My friends could never change me, my perspective towards life because they themselves where handling their problems. But yes... They gave me someone who I can care, someone who I can live with, I can spend my time with but I couldn't share my emotions with them. Not that they didn't try, they did but I was not comfortable with it so they didn't force me. But after you came in my life...... every damn thing changed! My life took a drastic turn but I loved it. You made me believe in hope, you tried to remove my pain and slowly slowly you took your own sweet place in my heart and then now you are my life. I always craved for this love and now that I have it I get scared that it might get snatched away from me. You gave me every love... A girlfriend who loves me, a best friend who is available at any moment of time for me and listen to my pains, a mother who cares for me a father who scolds me when I am wrong. (Hugging her by waist) I am scared to lose you Nandini.... And that's why I get angry when you think of leaving me. I react so badly with you because I get scared.

By the end of his heartly confession, Manik was red with tears. He was broken to no end. He had this bad habits of hiding his emotions from his closed ones. But once Nandini said right ' She wants to take the best out of him. '

Nandini was also in tears. Seeing her ever so strong Manik broken and scared  her heart broke. She never knew that Manik thinks this about her. She felt so overwhelmed with his this outburst. She bend to his head and kept her lips on his forehead. She always thought that Fab5 means everything to him but she never asked him what she means to him. She knew this storm was running in his mind from the day he got to know about everything. She felt very guilty for making him so vulnerable.

Nandini held Manik's face.

Nandini - Manik look at me...

Manik looked in her eyes . Nandini gently wiped his tears off and caressed his face lovingly.

Nandini - Manik..... Some things na are bound to happen. It's not in our will. I agree Niyonika maam was very wrong but why to recollect those memories which give you pain. I don't say throw off those memories.... No.. Don't.. They are a part of your life. But please don't get hurt with it. Truly saying I always knew that you love me more than your life, you care for me, you always want to protect me but the thing is I never knew I hold such a important place in your life. Now that I know I will never repeat my mistake. I know I made you so vulnerable because of my mistakes. But I always want you to be happy. I will never ever leave you and that's my promise to me.

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