
Hi everyone!!
          	Just wanted to update everyone about what's been going on. I'm sure you've all seen that a translated Indonesian version of Unholy Matrimony go up, which is a part of an international expansion of the Paid Stories program. 
          	In regards to Best Friends Forever updates, things have been very hectic for the past but (I've been working a pretty intense internship for the past 8 months and haven't had much time to dedicate to writing). I'm hoping now that I am working from home I will have more time to focus on the story.
          	Having said that, I hope everyone is safe and taking the necessary precautions to stay safe during this time. 


@xxinlove And your book is really good, girl you got me obsessed!


@xxinlove Even though you guys ignore me a lot, check out my #1 romance writing daddy (or mama, I don't know your gender sweetie!) @maskedechandalux! She writes books too and I really can't wait to read them! 
          	  Online support group coming my way?
          	  Online therapists to finally go crazy on?
          	  Who know!
          	  Bye luvs!


@xxinlove  yeeees please i love your writing and since holy matrimony came out i am litteraly dying to know tobias's point of view !!! please it would be AMAZING if you could try to update at least one chapter !! thx and you're the beeest <3


Hey !!
          Does adulting feel like a challenging and terrifying moment? 
          Wanna read a book on teenage life and adjusting to adulting? 
          Check out my book " A Peek Into The Life Of A Brown Girl " and feel connected with relatable characters. 
          Do share this among your friends and leave us a review. We would love to know your thoughts. 
          Thank you!!


Hey!! Sorry for posting this here author. I am a new author and needs support from you guy's it will be so generous of you and your readers if you guy's take out some time to read my story. Do give a try and vote✨
          Dark romance
          Wild romance
          A full rollercoaster ride
          Savage x Arrogant
          Ruthless mafia x sunshine
          A billionaire mafia.
          Contract marriage
          Dominant possesive MMC
          Sassy bitch MFC
          Whe he hated her for years with her being oblivion about the past. Still...
          He fell first and fell harder.✨


Hello! I wrote a book about Vampire...If you are interested then please check it out and leave a vote it would really help me. It's the first ever book I wrote so I am really looking forward to your opinion!
          And I don't know if I am allowed to promote here or not so please feel free to ignore my messege if it's disturbing. Thanks for reading it anyway. I appreciate it!!!


Lisa is the youngest and oddball sister among her two gorgeous sisters, but she is actually pretty happy with her appearance and couldn't really care less about beauty until the most beautiful boy she has ever seen pays them a visit. She is initially drawn to the boy and develops feelings for him, but she is surprised to learn that he is a bully who is haughty and conceited and who thinks that only attractive people should be seen with him. All of this occurs so quickly, and Lisa puts on a front as though she is unaffected by these lovely monster words.https://www.wattpad.com/story/366486202?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=233catsanddogs