
          	Would you like a signed FREE book? Of course, you do! Who wouldn't want the chance to get their hands on a free paperback and be one of the first to receive this exclusive copy of 30 DAYS TO SAVE THE WORLD—an anthology written by the talented authors of the Writers Connx community. 
          	This free book contains thirty-nine stories and 30 days to discover what happens when a massive alien spacecraft appears out of nowhere and how humanity reacts to this uninvited guest.
          	Here's what to do:
          	- Follow Writers Connx on Instagram and Wattpad.
          	- Add the Wattpad book version to your Wattpad reading list.
          	- Like and comment on this post (bonus points if you share )
          	We will be selecting the winners live! So stay tuned 


I'm a bit late to the party though. 


Weeeeeeeeee!!!!! That sounds awesome. 


@writersconnx pls I want to apply for a audio narrator's job


          Would you like a signed FREE book? Of course, you do! Who wouldn't want the chance to get their hands on a free paperback and be one of the first to receive this exclusive copy of 30 DAYS TO SAVE THE WORLD—an anthology written by the talented authors of the Writers Connx community. 
          This free book contains thirty-nine stories and 30 days to discover what happens when a massive alien spacecraft appears out of nowhere and how humanity reacts to this uninvited guest.
          Here's what to do:
          - Follow Writers Connx on Instagram and Wattpad.
          - Add the Wattpad book version to your Wattpad reading list.
          - Like and comment on this post (bonus points if you share )
          We will be selecting the winners live! So stay tuned 


I'm a bit late to the party though. 


Weeeeeeeeee!!!!! That sounds awesome. 


@writersconnx pls I want to apply for a audio narrator's job


Writer’s Connect is collection of over 600 of the top writers on Wattpad, who have formed a community. We talk almost every day, sometimes about important things, and sometimes we just get silly, but mostly we just help each other. We want to help all online writers. 
          With Writers Connect, you can find your community, learn from our successes and from our failures, but most of all, talk to people who are just like you.
          And this convention is the way to do that.
          Plus it’s a chance for us to get together to celebrate the community.
          So join us! Let’s talk genre! Let’s take a look at how you can be a better online serial writer. But most of all, let’s connect.


This is your last chance to get a copy of 30 DAYS TO SAVE THE WORLD in PAPERBACK, HARDCOVER, EBOOK or AUDIOBOOK! 3 Hours to go before the Kickstarter ends, and the Kickstarter is the best way to support the authors AND to get your own copy.
          It's been a great journey with 40 stories from some of the best writers you need to know about. We hope you've had a blast with our big epic summer blockbuster event!


Did you know we have a soundtrack? Each song has been picked by the authors in the anthology, so you have to give it a a listen. And we placed it in order of story, just for you guys.  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2KfxCmwtLPVDQOtFN8PQIM?si=2079e8d4eab74d31


Love the variety! Old classics with modern hits! ❤️


@writersconnx Cool! I'll definitely check it out!


Move aside Thelma and Louise! Or Bill and Ted...  Billie and Thea are on a road trip of a lifetime, and they only have a few hours left until the end of the world.
          On a trip to the coast in a car on its last legs, Billie wants to tell Thea how she feels, but a few bumps in the road might make it difficult to confess before the UFO's countdown finally hits zero.
          Check out @WritersConnX to read “Billie and Thea Don’t Save the World” by @krazydiamond now! 