
Sorry for the two week hiatus ive been on!! really have been trying to update regularly but ive had a lot of drama going on in my life so I really needed a mental health break. My spring break is coming up so I hope to be able to make it up to u guys by (hopefully) putting out multiple updates. I dont want anyone to think i was giving up on the stories, I just really needed a mental health break because of other things going on in my life.


@whorerstories hi . I havenā€™t been on Wattpad in a bit but just wanted to say hi to my fav author. Take care of yourself 


Take all the time you need. You need to ofc take care of your mental health first. I do hope everything gets better and you feel better, you can always take a mental break if you need one you donā€™t need to apologize. Weā€™re all human we all need breaks sometimes :))


hii! i hope everything works out and no worries u should put ur wellbeing over putting out chapters take ur time mwah <33


this message may be offensive
hey yā€™allā€¦. Whatā€™s happening! First to start off HAPPY PRIDE TO MY GUYS, GIRLS, GAYS, AND THEYSSS. hey yā€™all itā€™s been a whilee ( 4 monthsā€¦.erm) so life update: doing good tryna js survive life (last time I said I was living Ik but weā€™re back to survival mode) but Iā€™ve been trying to find back my peace within myself itā€™s hard but Iā€™m getting there!! (Slowly..) but itā€™s PRIDEEEE Iā€™m excited for this month and ready for anything anybody brings to me (I would hope) thatā€™s all abt me nothing much really is happening in life ā€¦(i think) BUT YK WHAT TIMEE IT ISSSSSSS!!!! how are you author dearest? I hope this shit world is treating you good! I hope youā€™re doing well, and as I say every time we miss you ova here! (Me da most) but weā€™ll all be waiting for you when u come back! Till the next I come back to Wattpad! Until then my friends!
          Much love from a stranger <33
          Shame to say I still ainā€™t never looked up the twitter (why am I low key a bad person) the twitter user is probably changed too atpā€¦


HIIII WHATS HAPPENING ITS 2024!!! Oh my days I havenā€™t been on wattpad in sooo long. I basically havenā€™t left a msg since 2023. Itā€™s the way I said Iā€™d check in like every 2 months ā€¦(no comment erm)ā€¦but life is rlly wonderful ( i mean it this time) Iā€™m rlly enjoying where Iā€™m at. me last year around this time wouldā€™ve been so happy to hear how good Iā€™m doing rn. So I did pick up back writing (sex scenes ofc thatā€™s the only thing I CAN write anyways lol) but yea n I grew a pair n finally posted them on wattpad (pls donā€™t think this a promotion bc rn itā€™s sounding like that but I promise it isnā€™t) then I disappeared bc I was too embarrassed to see what ppl had to sayā€¦yeaā€¦ermā€¦nth rlly interesting is happening in life but im happy! Im no longer surviving but I think im living now (was that cornyā€¦erhm!) BUTā€¦!!!!! YK WHAT TIME IT ISSSSSSS author how have you been you already know the routine, I hope you're doing good author, n I hope life is treating you well. We miss u over here (me the most I canā€™t even lieeeee) but we're always waiting for your return n js know I will nvr leave u alone even after u come back youā€™ll be so sick of me. N donā€™t get mad but Iā€™m ashamed to say i still have nvr looked into the Twitter (oh..thatā€™s notā€¦) 1) keep forgetting n 2) itā€™s only not smth on my mind but like if I nvr check how am I gonna know youā€™re alive n well..? Shane on me frl buttttt thereā€™s the lil life update!! See u sometime again I canā€™t say when but know I will be back!
          Much love from a stranger <33
          Damn this kinda longā€¦


BROOOO DID U FORGET ABT MEEE (I hope the all caps donā€™t come off as aggressive..) but Iā€™m back n so fkin tired of life (when am I not). But hiii author how are uu itā€™s been like 2 months n 15 days (im not a math mathematician yall) but lemme tell u lifeā€™s been as best as it can be ig. Js another day of rotting in my bed scrolling through tt n webtoon (still not a wattpad junkie n I think imma take up writing again, maybeā€¦) but author how have you been you already know the routine, I hope you're doing good author, n I hope life is treating you well. We miss u over here ;(. (me da most) but we're always waiting for your return n js know I will nvr leave u alone even after u come back. BROOO ONE MORE THING (Iā€™ve been saying bro a lot now idk why) i nvr looked into the Twitter (1 I keep forgetting n (2 Iā€™m afraid youā€™re not gonna be active on there but like if I nvr check how am I gonna know?!!! Well I will in due time when I build the courage to (trust) anyways byee see u probably in September or smth?? 
          Much love from a stranger <33


Tell me why I forgot it was pride month... ANYWAYS HAPPY PRIDE TO ALL MY GUYS, GIRLS, GAYS, AND THEYS <33333 anyways hii author!!!! It's been like 2 months... (no comment.) I'm here tho I think l'll js stop by every month or so bc l'm srsly not a wattpad junkie anymore (im going back to my webtoon era) i js come on here to see if you've responded or smth. But you already know wassup...!! How have u been, how's life treating ya?? I'm doing much better from the last time I sent a msg, MUCH better. I vr looked into that Twitter bc i literally forgot n got lazy (my bad..) lord w finals n everything coming up I am stressed, can't wait to be done w hs. Anyways that's a lil update abt my life. I hope you're doing good author, n I hope life is treating you well. We miss u over here;(ll (me da most) but we're always waiting for your return n js know I will nvr leave u alone even after u come back 
          Much love from a stranger <33