
Hi, I'm new to wattpad and read both of your books. They look nice and was wondering if we would follow each other and you read my first book, also leaving a feedback, if you don't mind.


@your_fruity_writer Sure, no problem. I'm glad that you liked my books. I am more than happy to offer you my opinions and feedback but is it alright if I give them to you privately?
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Hey there! I read your book today and so far, I love it!! If you can, update chapters when you get the chance and have time to! Btw, would you maybe be interested in following each other? 


@Erica_2020 Hi, I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying the book so far and yes, I will update chapters when I get the chance and have the time to. And of course I would love to follow you. Thanks for reading my book and Happy New Year to you!
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