
TREASURED BY THE DRAGON fans, I have a correction to make. There was a change to how endings to Wattpad Original series are handled regarding paywalls. Previously the paywall would continue to move as new season chapters came out, however, I’ve been informed that the last ten chapters will remain paywalled even after the second season begins.
          	However, there are ways to get coins without spending money, so I encourage to check out those opportunities to earn enough coins to read the ending.
          	And today the last chapter was posted!! So go check it out and make sure to add season 2 to your library, which will start posting on Tuesday.


TREASURED BY THE DRAGON fans, I have a correction to make. There was a change to how endings to Wattpad Original series are handled regarding paywalls. Previously the paywall would continue to move as new season chapters came out, however, I’ve been informed that the last ten chapters will remain paywalled even after the second season begins.
          However, there are ways to get coins without spending money, so I encourage to check out those opportunities to earn enough coins to read the ending.
          And today the last chapter was posted!! So go check it out and make sure to add season 2 to your library, which will start posting on Tuesday.


Special announcement! Recently I had the pleasure to sit down (over Zoom) with New York Times Bestselling author, Taran Matharu, who began his journey on Wattpad. We discussed writing, Wattpad, and fantasy. You also have a chance to win a copy of Taran’s new fantasy book, Dragon Rider. So give it a look and make sure to take part in this special giveaway!


@LuxRaven thank you! It was quite a lovely surprise to be involved in this interview :)


Happy Monday everyone! It's been awhile because life's been a crazy (but good) mess this past week.
          I apologize to Delilah Cross fans. I should have foreseen how little I'd get written last week given everything I had to do, but I forgot to mention that before last Friday. That being said, my family is going on vacation starting tomorrow through Friday. I doubt there will be a chapter this week either. Many apologies for being flaky!
          Also quick reminder that Treasured by the Dragon chapters are scheduled well in advance, so despite my vacation, chapters are posting as expected this Tuesday and Thursday. Not only that, but they're also the last two chapters of season 1!!
          I'll admit, I'm super nervous about how you all will react to this next chapter... Despite the amount of spiciness in the series, I'm still really new to writing it and when I wrote this chapter I was overwhelmed with stuff and I approached the chapter like a kid taking a really fast sports car for a joyride. I barely remember what I wrote and I'm too nervous to reread that particular chapter. So, hopefully it's neither too bonkers nor too tame and is somewhere in the middle. Anyway, if it's not clear, there's some spiciness coming tomorrow so prepare yourselves.
          Finally, if you missed the news this past week, season 2 of Treasured by the Dragon is coming really soon--as in next week! There won't be any wait between the two seasons, they'll just flow right into the other. You will have to follow a new story page though, so click the link below and add it to your library now!

          Finally, happy Pride month! Please know that everyone is welcome here all months of the year. Everyone deserves to love who they love and to be loved for who they are <3


Big news for Treasured by the Dragon fans! Season 1 is ending June 6th, but you won't have to wait long for Season 2 because it's coming to Wattpad on June 11th!
          Consider the separate seasons a formal break between story arcs. Otherwise everything will proceed as it has been. The first chapter of Season 2 will unlock a chapter from Season 1 and make it free.
          So no waiting a year, a month, or even a week between seasons. Add Season 2 to your library now so you can jump right in when it launches on June 11!


So I am on chapter one of The Vampire’s Harvest and I have no idea what to choose. I already know I’m going to end up going back to do the other two choices once I finish. 


@Vixxhasmeshook I would say I'm sorry the choice is hard, but I'm not ;) I'm glad you find all routes interesting! I hope you enjoy whichever one you pick to start off with!


          I think the original title has a more romantic feel, but it just didn't feel accurate to the story as a whole. Dom has many weaknesses, Elaina is just one of them. So I decided to go with something that was better branded for a series. I really want to do two parallel series, one about Dom's Architects and the other about the "evil" organization Fortress. But that won't happen until I at least finish up Delilah's series. I'll need a breather from the Whisper Valley world before beginning the next series for that universe, so I'm hoping to do a sequel for what is now 'Architects of the Catalysm' then.
          Anyway, it also got a more superhero/sci-fi cover, which is far more befitting than the previous one. In my defense it was a NaNoWriMo book and I had no idea where it was going when I started out.
          So I hope you like the changes! If you haven't read it yet, go check it out by visiting the link below :)


@curious_cat_3 yep that’s what I figured 


@sylviaNgould Just to clarify, I'd pass it on because it's looks very science fiction. 


@curious_cat_3 Totally understandable if you would pass on it! That was part of the reason I wanted to update the cover, so it was clear what kind of story it was since the previous cover was generic :)


Happy Monday! I've been a little MIA recently due to life, but I want to welcome all my new followers and also thank everyone who has been reading my stories. Last week both HIS ONLY WEAKNESS and TREASURED BY THE DRAGON surpassed 100k views! (Side note: His Only Weakness is getting a new title and cover very, very soon so stay tuned ^_^)
          Also, I want to apologize if you have left comments on anything that you had hoped for a response from me. It's getting harder to keep up with comments. Please know I appreciate all of them and I try to respond to the ones that lend themselves toward a response!
          That all being said, here's what you can expect this week:
          - Tuesday: TREASURED BY THE DRAGON ch 32 is posted and ch 22 is made free
          - Thursday: TREASURED BY THE DRAGON ch 33 is posted and ch 23 is made free
          - Friday: THE ASTRAL EYES ch 7 is posted and free
          Catch up on chapters already posted here:
          THE ASTRAL EYES:
          Have a great week!


@sylviaNgould Wait.. so, for the Wattpad Original book, all chapters will eventually be free?


@sylviaNgould Ah, I had no idea it worked that way! That's interesting. I hope you like it too, then! 


Hey dear just wanted to say I admire your work and commitment ❤️. I would love to ask how your journey went on wattpad and how you kept struggling even when at a point the reads were not showing. 
          Any advice?


Thank you so much fun answering my questions I'll sure put them to use❤️


@whathepeach No problem! I enjoy answering people's questions given they're about writing/Wattpad in general--sadly I don't have time to offer more detailed feedback on specific stories at the moment.
            Anyways, in regards to writing a romantasy, it is something I'm still figuring out. It is a struggle for me to balance the two sometimes and I'm grateful to my editor for always pulling back to where I need to be when I start to stray. Either you get stuck in the romance and they just stay in bed the whole time not going anywhere or you get focused in the minutiae of fantasy world building and forget to have their love grow.
            For me what I try to do is remember that people are here for the romance between Cephias and Taliyah, everything else is a vehicle to make their love grow stronger and stronger. So when I start to wonder if something outside of that makes sense, I remind myself it doesn't really matter. Readers need the gist of what's going on and what the rules are so they can understand why the characters do what they do.
            Also, I look at my chapters as off and on. One or two chapters will focus in on their romance and then the next one or so chapters are them moving through the world before going back to a chunk of chapters that show how their dynamics have changed because of what happened while moving through the fantasy world.
            I've been told that I should see it as a love story where the love interest just happens to have the ability to turn into a dragon. The love story should look like a romance that could happen in any setting, the fantasy elements just spice it up and provide unique avenues to walk them through.
            I hope that helps. It is a tricky line to follow.


@sylviaNgould Woah you're really had a long struggle. I'm so happy that you answered my questions. I was wondering how do you write a fantasy book that involves romance cause I plan on writing one in the future but I figured that it would be kinda tricky