
Thanks to everyone for making Twilight reach 1k views. 


Hello! Me again, what a joy it is to see notification of a new chapter of your story! I'm waiting to see what Issei's brother says about the commitment that Issei himself doesn't know he has with Sona lol Thanks for the chapter and take your time, I'll be here to enjoy your story, take care of yourself!


@EliazDxD It is nice to see someone enjoying my story. The title of the story is going to updated soon. I just realised that I used the same name as the famous 'Twilight' series. Yk, the vampire stuff. My title cover also symbolises a bit of nobility. So people might have the first impression that this is a vampire story.


Just a question, do you have set posting times or when you feel like it?


@stormsilver1000 it’s chill man work at your pace. Your story is amazing can’t wait for the next chapter


@TheOneTruePug It is almost once in a month but I am trying to increase the rate.