
Hi everyone! 
          	A HUGE thanks to everyone who has recently jumped on the Take a Chance on Me train! 
          	In case you didn’t know, it is published and you can order a physical copy on Amazon! My greatest achievement so far! Thank you for all of the support! 


@sssmith95 That's amazing!!! Congrats!!! ❤❤✨✨


I cannot wait to read 'They Never Said It Would Be Easy'! After I'm finished reading the one I'm reading now, I will be reading this next. Can't wait!
          I would LOVE you to read some of my work. Only one's really finished. 'THE KINGDOM OF THOROUGH'. But I'm pretty far in a few of my others, and update pretty frequently. 
          Anyway, I'll let you know when I finish the book! I know I'll love it!!!
          Have a great day!!!


Hi everyone! 
          A HUGE thanks to everyone who has recently jumped on the Take a Chance on Me train! 
          In case you didn’t know, it is published and you can order a physical copy on Amazon! My greatest achievement so far! Thank you for all of the support! 


@sssmith95 That's amazing!!! Congrats!!! ❤❤✨✨


Hi everyone! I’ve been gone for a while but just wanted to come back to announce that Take a Chance on Me is PUBLISHED and available on Amazon! I’ve spent the last few months perfecting it, so the version on Amazon is a bit different! If you liked the wattpad story I guarantee you’ll like the published version even more!


@sssmith95 Wow that's amazing! Congrats!!!


If it makes you happy, it doesn't have to make sense to others and remember sometimes plan B works out better than plan A could ever have. 
          You are strong, bold, courageous, loved, motivated and healthy. Your comeback will be much stronger than your setback. 
          Repeat these positive affirmations ❤️ for a beautiful day. 



@_grey-storm thank you! You too!


@sssmith95 Fair enough, good luck with everything in the future!


@_grey-storm thank you so much! I really appreciate you completing it! It means so much to me! I want to publish it and would rather have it out as an actual book and not online :/


Hi everyone! Just wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who has read Take a Chance on Me! I only have two chapters left until it is complete and then I will be removing it from this site! This is your final opportunity to give it a chance!