

I'm curious if you're going to your version of "Knuckles" TV show or skip it?
          It's not as promising as the trailers and TV spots showed
          The title character Knuckles (also Sonic and Tails) has very less screenshot than human characters do which it's very disappointing


new book! new book!!
          and it's NOT about sonic!! :O


@speedy_boy_23 ... The: You should read it caught me off guard/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ (it's the same writer we're talking about), anyway, I like the surprise to see what would be the subject about


It is a good book! You should read it!



@Zaz0u7 oh.. oh my! thank you very much for this, and taking the time to write such deep and lovely feedback. it's nice to know what people who read my little works think of them. i am honoured that my work has made you feel this way, and i am delighted that i have conveyed the softness that i ensure my stories contain. thank you so so much, this was amazing to hear! ❤️


@speedy_boy_23 Girl... I've been reading a lot of your work since a while (even on Quotev) and your writing is just amazing. The Shadow x Pregnant reader you wrote... I have tears running down my cheeks right now. You're putting the hardness and softness of emotions brillantly and making us feel the thruth of a soul onto a simple page of a computer and that... Is talent.
            Here's 2 quotes I want to give you: 
            “GIVING - Applied tithing is so rewarding. When you give away your time, talent, and treasures you create a huge shift in your prosperity consciousness. So start where you are as you reach for where it is you want to be.”
            ― Lisa Washington 
            "Writers write to influence their readers, their preachers, their auditors, but always, at bottom, to be more themselves."
            ― Aldous Huxley
            You gave me this soft lecture and those deep feelings that I will treasure in my mind and heart. And  you didn't only influence the little reader of your amazing work I am... You make me see perspections even through hard times that other writers tend to forget or do not describe as important. Softness... And for me, this is all an artist's virtue. Thank you.❤️