
my dog died and it’s been two days, and there’s just this pain in my chest.
          	does it get better eventually to those that have experienced a pet loss?


@kirbyyoru don’t worry!! any pet loss hurts and i know your hamster lived a happy life with you. i hope i can be able to honor my puppy and make her happy. i know in another life she’ll be happy to eat watermelon with me :,) (thank you for your kind words. they mean a lot)


@BFly80 yeah, i was very close with my dog. she was my best friend and she actually managed to become some type of emotional support animal since i deal with mental health problems. that’s why it hurts a ton bc you could never see me without her and she was always with me. but, i hope i gave her the best life even if they were short. i just wish she would’ve at least made it to her first birthday :,) 
          	  but im very blessed for dogs and any type of animals. they really make an impact in one’s life. and thank you for your kind words. i know your dog was the happiest with you <3


@ sebasstan i hope you’re feeling better after your loss … although i’m not sure if it’s comparable, my pet hamster also died last year and remember crying for nights and thinking that i could’ve done more for him, but you should think about how happy your dog was around you and that this passing is just a natural process :) of course it doesn’t take away the pain of your dog’s passing but just know that she’s doing well now and she would probably want you to be happy <33 i hope you get over it eventually and cherish her happy memories !! 


Hey i heard you pet has passed away, I am so sorry for your loss and yes, things do get better, and it'll take time because you're grieving and that's okay, take your time. the pain in your chest might stay for a while but eventually it'll go away, I promise things will get better and just take it slow, it's a sad thing but it will take time :) you will be okay when things get better.


thank you for this :( i fully wasn’t prepared in losing her, especially since she was a baby (she was eleven months) and i had expected her to grow old. so, the pain in my chest is very… profound :,) but thank you. your words did reassure me <3


my dog died and it’s been two days, and there’s just this pain in my chest.
          does it get better eventually to those that have experienced a pet loss?


@kirbyyoru don’t worry!! any pet loss hurts and i know your hamster lived a happy life with you. i hope i can be able to honor my puppy and make her happy. i know in another life she’ll be happy to eat watermelon with me :,) (thank you for your kind words. they mean a lot)


@BFly80 yeah, i was very close with my dog. she was my best friend and she actually managed to become some type of emotional support animal since i deal with mental health problems. that’s why it hurts a ton bc you could never see me without her and she was always with me. but, i hope i gave her the best life even if they were short. i just wish she would’ve at least made it to her first birthday :,) 
            but im very blessed for dogs and any type of animals. they really make an impact in one’s life. and thank you for your kind words. i know your dog was the happiest with you <3


@ sebasstan i hope you’re feeling better after your loss … although i’m not sure if it’s comparable, my pet hamster also died last year and remember crying for nights and thinking that i could’ve done more for him, but you should think about how happy your dog was around you and that this passing is just a natural process :) of course it doesn’t take away the pain of your dog’s passing but just know that she’s doing well now and she would probably want you to be happy <33 i hope you get over it eventually and cherish her happy memories !! 


chillé un poquito cuando vi tu followback quiiii
          escribís precioso <3333


@-SAT3LLITE I haven't had my dog die yet, but the last step in grieving is acceptance. The memories can cause pain and happiness at the same time. But with time, it'll be more bearable. Hope you feel better soon <3
            P.S sorry if this doesn't make much sense, its 4:35 in the morning lol ^^ <<<333


gracias!! he querido leer tus libros, pero he estado ocupada! los voy a leer pronto! <3


hi :) i need an opinion… what should i update ;-;




im lactose but you bet your ass i will still consume dairy


@sebasstan lmao my brother found that outthe hard way  


it’s so sad to see some mutuals are inactive or are on hiatuses :,) like wattpad can u go back to how you were pls


No literally this, I’ve just recently came back. 2020-2021 was peak 


@ sebasstan  I gave up on it tbh , since they started deleting half my works 


i also miss when wattpad was free and everyone was writing the “one direction adopted me” or the old fics… BRING IT BACK :,)


honestly same, i’ve had this account forever and i miss it the old way


omg when watty didnt have ads i was 10% less angry 


i miss writing here


@sebasstan I feel that, maybe do a fan fic


not surprised about what’s happening with the mcyt community and them being exposed as weirdos/creeps


@sebasstan georges story isnt black and white at all. both sides of the story have their faults and both a really hard to believe. i think im leaning more towards georges side, only because he had more proof and his story was in way more detail, making it more believable for the night.


this message may be offensive
@sebasstan oh god.. 2024 is gonna be a hell of a year for the community if this shit keeps up.. and george is the last person i would expect to do that, that's awful. i'm glad they're being called out tho


@CanonicalShadow He admitted to knowing and tried to back george up by claiming that 'non-verbal' consent was given, which from the victim's story was complete bs.


in support of shelby, f*ck wilbur soot. honestly. 
          i will be rewriting my books (and am deleting ‘past ghost’) and removing scenes with wilbur in them. i do not want any of my books to be associated with wilbur (and dream, i am still considering deleting the dream books) and if you are in support of wilbur soot, unfollow me.
          support shelby in this time. support her at this time since she came out about the abuse due to her braveness. again, f*uck wilbur soot.


@sebasstan mhmmmm i understand then, again, its totally up to you, but make sure people know where you stand is all i have to say <333


@KurtCobainWho yeah I was thinking about it too but so many people had called it their comfort books so i don’t want to take that away from them : ,) but his actions are just… i just don’t want others to think im like aiding to what he did. i totally disagree with everything even if he has apologized


wait, what happened with wilbur soot?