
I started writing this new story with a friend of mine and we made a separate account called 'smarticleparticles1' and we wrote a book called the 'The positive the negative and the nothing' we would greatly appreciate it if you would read the story 
          	and its more like a comic instead of a book 
          	So please read 
          	Thank you if you are going to 


I honestly thought I was good at motivating and inspiring people but I'm quite happy to say you're one of the best‼️ it's good that you can impact someone on one encounter. Great stuff


Thank you so much! I’m glad I have that impact on people ☺️


Hey sapphire just stopped by to say that you're awesome.......just decided to read your book named life no fairytale


Thank you for the compliment. I think your awesome too for saying that.
            And thank you for reading my book, although it's actually called The Motivational Book.


I started writing this new story with a friend of mine and we made a separate account called 'smarticleparticles1' and we wrote a book called the 'The positive the negative and the nothing' we would greatly appreciate it if you would read the story 
          and its more like a comic instead of a book 
          So please read 
          Thank you if you are going to