
Hi there. Hope you are having a fantastic day, if not, just take a chill pill, everything’s gonna be fine. Now smile:) 
          Here I am with my first book, hope u give it a try, it would mean a lot to me. Add this to ur reading list now and stay tuned because
          Drumrolls, its releasing soon
          Thank you :) 
          and Happy reading!
          Wait..wait..can this book get a place in ur reading list? Hehehe


Hey Sarah, I just finished Professor Khan. Being a fan of Can Yaman i came across your story. But it was more than worth to read it. Are you a counselor, life coach or psychologist? Because you have given so many words of wisdom and support intertwined in the story. Two people from different backgrounds, situations but how they got together was very good. You realistically wrote about their traumatic experiences and how they had to overcome it. I really feel happy to come across such a writer who could skillfully write about such sensitive topics. I couldn't find the sequel. Help me with this. In the mean time I ll proceed with Ayla and Zach. This story has literally moved me to tears . Thank you for giving us beautiful moments of the couple after the epilogue. May God bless you to touch many more lives with your stories. Love and prayers from India ❤️


@saltysarrah what happened to the story that had the character Daniel (I don't remember the name of the story or the main female lead ) but the story also had a character called Adam


@Anoopanand right that's the story 


@jim_jam234 ikrrrrr ive been searchin for it too...i just loved that one, its my hold a special place in my heart...idky she has removed that