
90% completed, just bear with me. I just need to write two more important last scenes in that already 30 pages with 16,000+ words.


@phyxillie keep going lad, we believe in you


Hiii will you update selfish desires soon again? :)


@Phelipe1215 I love his/her stories so much hun I eagerly wait for a new update everyday


Hi! Thank you so much for updating Selfish Desires, I'm so happy that it won't be discontinued after all this time. A year or two ago, I remember you promising that you'll take this story to Boruto if it's the last thing you do, I'm holding on to that promise with the hope that Sasuke and Ayuuda might get married and have children<3


I sincerely hope this message finds you in good health and well-being. Your novel surrounding Sasuke has bestowed innumerable gifts upon me, the plot, the individuality of the OCs, and the way it has been written are only some factors contributing to the absolute elation i sense in myself after taking in each letter of your beautiful words. It's not in my scope of knowledge as to when or if you plan to continue your work or art or not, but i feel obliged to express my profound gratitude towards you, for your books will forever be a part of me, even if it's not completed, i feel more than content to have my own interpretation of the ending due to my unwavering curiosity. The anticipation of filling my brain with dopamine every time i resolve to read your book is a sensation i will miss, but it was all worth the ups and downs of the book. The fear and excitement coursing through me in awe and fear of the unknown residing in the next page. I have no words in my lexicon to describe the utter and sheer range of foreign emotions i feel through each chapter. 
          So, thank you, thank you so much. 
          If you are going through some hardship in this life full of unpredictableness, persist, endure, bear, stand, and go through it with bravery, i know you can do it. Grant yourself a break. You deserve it, and let it out once in a blue moon. It only makes you stronger and gives you revelation  


Hiii, I just wanted you to know that I LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE, HOW YOU USE WORDS AND YOUR BOOKS, my only motivation rn is your books and I really hope you're doing great and I also hope you're going to update "Selfish Desire" soon. I know you said you have some work and you're also very exhausted, so I respect if you have no time to continue the story or update anytime soon. I'll be glad to rr it over and over again. You're so goodddddd <3


Some of you keep asking when theyre gonna update without considering maybe they have something serious going on and they can’t update. Maybe they completely forgot or doesn’t have motivation. What if they’re struggling with their mental or physical health? These things happen and we just have to try and be patient. There are always other stories to busy yourself with so just try and find some interesting ones.


This is so true sometimes people need a little break 