
this message may be offensive
omg y'all I'm not dead, i just feel like i am
          	no jk haha, but on a more serious note, I'm so sorry for being inactive this year. I loved writing adomania so much, but somehow, for kairosclerosis, I can't seem to find the time or motivation to actually keep going. on top of that, I've got uni work that's killing me, and I have also recently decided to do my masters abroad, so I've got a lot of planning to do. 
          	My love life has also been a little too interesting for my liking lately, and moving away does not help the case AT ALL. but I'm not writing this to vent on y'all lol. 
          	what I actually wanted to say is that I have a shit ton of old, pre-written chapters for kairosclerosis that I will take a look at and potentially post. and who knows, maybe reading over my notes will give me the motivation I need to finish the story. 
          	@Coconutmelonabar omgg you're back (somewhat?) haha it's been so long. I promise I'll try to make time to reply to your messages asap, but for now, just know that I'm glad to see you're alive and apparently doing well! 
          	If you actually read to this point, ily and ttys
          	- lychee


@Coconutmelonabar **nvm it was April asjlfdjlkfjslkflk I keep on getting all the months mixed up


@pandaexpress208 AYYYYYYYYY!! Omg hi it's good to see you're back!! Btw I'm having to rewrite this all from memory since my tab crashed lmaooo so sorry if it seems disjointed! No worries at all we understand. That's a lot; can totally understand where you're coming from! OOOOOHHH that's very exciting, what kind of program are you hoping to do? I hope planning for that goes well on top of your uni work and exams and assignments going on right now! Are you near the end of your semester(? idk how it works over there) yet? Don't forget you have us readers cheering you on from the sidelines!!
          	  Omggg does it have to do with your bestie? No need to answer if you're too uncomfy with it, sorry I just remember you talking about your ambiguous situation a while ago and being friends and everything. The timing is crazy, but I hope it all works out in the end :(( 
          	  OMGGG I've been waiting!! Ofc, if it comes to it that you don't feel any of it is postable (but I seriously doubt that; you have a knack for storytelling) no rush we will be more than happy to wait for you! 
          	  Yessss I'm backk!! :D I've been back since I wanna say March (or maybe February...?) but yeah it's a shame they got rid of the DMs feature, I'm not sure if you had the time to see my reply. Awww thank you it means a lot!! I hope you are doing well too and it seems for the most part you are! Looking forward to hearing more from you soon!! Ofc I read all the way haha ilyt and sys!! <3333
          	  Btw I hope you get to go to a tds3 stop this year!! They rolled out more Europe dates/locations; was pretty surprised to see Copenhagen and Rotterdam!


this message may be offensive
omg y'all I'm not dead, i just feel like i am
          no jk haha, but on a more serious note, I'm so sorry for being inactive this year. I loved writing adomania so much, but somehow, for kairosclerosis, I can't seem to find the time or motivation to actually keep going. on top of that, I've got uni work that's killing me, and I have also recently decided to do my masters abroad, so I've got a lot of planning to do. 
          My love life has also been a little too interesting for my liking lately, and moving away does not help the case AT ALL. but I'm not writing this to vent on y'all lol. 
          what I actually wanted to say is that I have a shit ton of old, pre-written chapters for kairosclerosis that I will take a look at and potentially post. and who knows, maybe reading over my notes will give me the motivation I need to finish the story. 
          @Coconutmelonabar omgg you're back (somewhat?) haha it's been so long. I promise I'll try to make time to reply to your messages asap, but for now, just know that I'm glad to see you're alive and apparently doing well! 
          If you actually read to this point, ily and ttys
          - lychee


@Coconutmelonabar **nvm it was April asjlfdjlkfjslkflk I keep on getting all the months mixed up


@pandaexpress208 AYYYYYYYYY!! Omg hi it's good to see you're back!! Btw I'm having to rewrite this all from memory since my tab crashed lmaooo so sorry if it seems disjointed! No worries at all we understand. That's a lot; can totally understand where you're coming from! OOOOOHHH that's very exciting, what kind of program are you hoping to do? I hope planning for that goes well on top of your uni work and exams and assignments going on right now! Are you near the end of your semester(? idk how it works over there) yet? Don't forget you have us readers cheering you on from the sidelines!!
            Omggg does it have to do with your bestie? No need to answer if you're too uncomfy with it, sorry I just remember you talking about your ambiguous situation a while ago and being friends and everything. The timing is crazy, but I hope it all works out in the end :(( 
            OMGGG I've been waiting!! Ofc, if it comes to it that you don't feel any of it is postable (but I seriously doubt that; you have a knack for storytelling) no rush we will be more than happy to wait for you! 
            Yessss I'm backk!! :D I've been back since I wanna say March (or maybe February...?) but yeah it's a shame they got rid of the DMs feature, I'm not sure if you had the time to see my reply. Awww thank you it means a lot!! I hope you are doing well too and it seems for the most part you are! Looking forward to hearing more from you soon!! Ofc I read all the way haha ilyt and sys!! <3333
            Btw I hope you get to go to a tds3 stop this year!! They rolled out more Europe dates/locations; was pretty surprised to see Copenhagen and Rotterdam!


Your chenle book deserves more attention. Bcs as a chenle biased do you know how hard it is to find a decent book of his that doesn’t read like a 9year old wrote it. I’m acc hooked and will probably finish it and hate the fact I finished it today alone 


today marks 1 year of the day i first released adomania (on accident lmaoo)
          thank you so much for everyone who stuck with me and has helped me grow ever since then, and thank you to everyone who is still discovering and reading my books now! 
          although i thought that i'd be almost finished with the series by now, i'm still not even in the middle of the 2nd one. discipline is not my main strength. 
          but you will be getting an update on monday, i promise!


hey guyyyss
          so, since i have a ton prewritten, i have decided to start updating twice a week now.
          so the updating schedule will officially be changed to MONDAY + THURSDAY :))
          anyway, love y‘all and hope you start well into the new year <3


@pandaexpress208 damn i rly need to finish adomania so i can get to kairosclerosis soon super excited to read it.
            also, wishing a happy new year to everyone!!