
Just passed 30k words on my George Weasley fanfiction, and I still don't have a title!
          	URRGH! This is so frustrating! Most of the time, one just slots into place, but I've been writing this since September and nothing seems to fit.
          	I'm on holiday at the moment, in Italy, which seems to get my writing juices going, particularly after the busy few weeks I've had. And, as usual, I am so desperate to share it with you. But I will restrain myself, until I have finished writing part one.
          	It's just as well I don't have a total after all!
          	I hope you're all doing well.
          	My Love, Always.
          	~ Ophelia X


Just passed 30k words on my George Weasley fanfiction, and I still don't have a title!
          URRGH! This is so frustrating! Most of the time, one just slots into place, but I've been writing this since September and nothing seems to fit.
          I'm on holiday at the moment, in Italy, which seems to get my writing juices going, particularly after the busy few weeks I've had. And, as usual, I am so desperate to share it with you. But I will restrain myself, until I have finished writing part one.
          It's just as well I don't have a total after all!
          I hope you're all doing well.
          My Love, Always.
          ~ Ophelia X


Hi, hello!
          I know I've been rubbish. I haven't sat down to write for a while. And don't currently have a desk. But I am getting back into it.
          Lord, I know I need to finish Solitaire. I am going to if it kills me!
          And, just now, I have hit 25k words on my George Weasley fanfiction! This is going to be a long one, I can feel it.
          I hope you're all doing well, my gorgeous beans!
          My Love, Always.
          ~ Ophelia X


          I know, it's only been a day...
          - I have planned out all of the chapters for the first book. There will be 28.
          - I am really struggling with a title
          - I have cast out four main girlies!
          Aisling Franciosi as Morrigan Clarke
          Aimee Lou Wood as Margaret Diggory
          Nagano Mei as Naomi Ishihara
          Phoebe Dynevor as Tallon Fairfax
          - I also wrote 3.5k in the last couple of days!
          Stay tuned for more.
          My Love, Always.
          ~ Ophelia X


In honour of Fred and George Weasley's birthday today - and no, this is not an April Fool's Day prank - I would like to announce a new fanfiction that I am working on.
          It's going to be a George Weasley x OC fanfiction, spanning from the Goblet of Fire year (I don't know what it is, I just love starting fics then) until after the Wizarding War, a little bit of a slow burn, and there will be other character that I'll focus on too.
          This is one of those big projects I mentioned in my last status, which means that you might not see it for a while. But this one is really special to me. I have made many unsuccessful attempts at writing fanfics set in the Wizarding World, one being the very first fanfiction that I ever wrote, but none of them turned out quite as I wanted. I've had a bit of a difficult relationship with the franchise for the last few years, for obvious reasons, but can't deny my love for the characters and stories, and my need to create something for it.
          In terms of uploading, I'll be doing what I did with my Cobra Kai fanfic - writing an entire section, then uploading weekly - and will probably post introductions and summaries a little in advance. I'll also post little updates on my feed as I go.
          I am loving writing it so far, it feels like home writing for this franchise again. I have 20k words for it so far, and counting! I hope you look forward to it.
          My Love, Always.
          ~ Ophelia X


i’m so excited!! george is one of my favorites and i feel like he doesn’t get as many fanfics. 


You know, I only recently realised that I have taken on some really huge projects when it comes to fanfiction; TV shows with 4 or 5 seasons, large film franchises. And now that I have committed to not uploading anything until a particular section of the story is complete, it's no wonder I am struggling to finish anything.
          I have started a couple of new things in recent weeks, but my brain just can't stop. If I had any ounce of focus, I could give it a rest, but alas...
          Anyway, new chapter for Solitaire going up tonight.
          I hope you're all keeping well!
          My Love, Always.
          ~ Ophelia


@ophelia_bennet I love solitaire so much its amazing hope you update soon 


@RumpleButterbeer05 You are so kind, thank you! I hope my new projects don't disappoint.


Right, The Umbrella Academy fic update! 
          As you may know, the fourth and final season of the show has been announced, and will be airing in August of this year.
          I am still watching S3, slowly this time, because it is stressing me out. But I have pretty solid plans for what happens on S1 & 2. So, because the last season is coming out this year, though I will still be writing it behind the scenes, I will not be uploading anything until I have seen S4.
          This just means that I can have a full view of Alex's story and character arc, just in case anything in S4 changes what I have previously written. So...
          I want to say that I will begin to upload by the end of this year. It seems like such a long way away, but I will come round in a flash!
          In the meantime, I will be writing with what I have, and continuing with the fics I have started.
          Thanks, as always, for the continued support with my writing. I am so grateful to have such a lovely following! 
          My Love, Always.
          ~ Ophelia X


@etheriousflow I don't want to say anything  just yet, just in case S4 throws a spanner in the works. I think the pairing is pretty solid,  but, like I say, it is stressing me out! 


Is there anything you can say about the fic? Like the pairing? Or premise? 


          Yes, I am working on Part Two of 'She Used to be Mine', also thinking of changing the cover as well.
          And also, because this is the last season, Netflix can't cancel the show! Oh, how low our standards have become.


@ophelia_bennet ohh my gosh I can't freaking wait. I'm so excited:)


OKAY, I finished Season 2 of The Umbrella Academy yesterday and OMG! So much to think about. This one is going to take a little work, not so easy to slip in an OC into something so tightly constructed. Oh, I love this show!!!
          And I am so psyched for Season 3, I think it's going to be awesome!
          I love doing this sort of thing. I never did it for my other fics. Perhaps I'll do it more often, just to give you an insight into my writing process.
          Also, my OC's name is Alex Clave.
          I hope you're all keeping well.
          My Love, Always.
          ~ Ophelia X


@ophelia_bennet  we all love the little crotch goblin! Im excited to read your book, you’re a good writer


Finished S1 of The Umbrella Academy! I swear, each episode had me moving through the stages of that cosmic brain meme. And I have a SERIOUS case of sparkle brain!
          Also, why doesn't anyone in this show have a mobile phone?
          Also, the fanfiction is probably going to be called 'Invisible Strings'.


@ophelia_bennet same! Just for her to get blown up by those two buffoons 


@etheriousflow Absolutely heartbreaking! Oh, and if course I cried over Five saying goodby to Delores...


The way none of them cared when Klaus was kidnapped, they didn’t even notice 