
Hi all! Logged on briefly to see that Rhapsody hit #9 in LGBT? Thank you all for continuing to read this silly story of mine!
          	All of your comments are routed to my email inbox, so even if I’m not always responding on here, just know that I read every single comment and it warms my heart so much.
          	This story is slow moving due to the natural busy-ness of life. But rest assured writing is still being done and I will update as soon as it’s in a good place to share.


@nearxlight you are doing a great job. I hope you are doing good. I loved reading Rhapsody. I hope you'd update soon. 


Hi! I just wanted to say that I stumbled across your book and thought to give it a try and gosh was it so worth it! 
          I could not stop reading after the first chapter and this book is so enthralling and I'm so hooked to the characters! Thank you for writing this wonderful book and I will be diligently waiting for the next update:) 


Hi all! Logged on briefly to see that Rhapsody hit #9 in LGBT? Thank you all for continuing to read this silly story of mine!
          All of your comments are routed to my email inbox, so even if I’m not always responding on here, just know that I read every single comment and it warms my heart so much.
          This story is slow moving due to the natural busy-ness of life. But rest assured writing is still being done and I will update as soon as it’s in a good place to share.


@nearxlight you are doing a great job. I hope you are doing good. I loved reading Rhapsody. I hope you'd update soon. 


I read Rhapsody last night and by chapter 3 I was in love with it. It’s become and absolute favourite of mine. I barely got any sleep cause I just couldn’t stop reading it.


Oh my goodness! Thank you so much, what a wonderful thing to hear. I appreciate your support and am so glad you’re enjoying the story!


Hi all! I’m happy to announce Ch. 30 of Rhapsody is up! I appreciate your patience as I sporadically move through this story, and I’m eager to hear your thoughts on this new installment. <3 Thank you for your ongoing support!!!


Hii, are you ok? You haven't been active since more than a month •  •


@Gae-for-you oh i see, hope you find motivation soon :)


Hi!! Yes I’m still putting around the good ol’ WP. Hit a bit of writer’s block during the busy-ness of this new year but I hope to break through shortly!


Open discussion: what do Wattpad readers think of self-published books?
          I've been writing and posting my work on here since 2019. I had one story reach the Watty's long list, before the Watty's rules changed and stories had to be completed to be entered. I was here in the golden age of the forums, which have since been discontinued. While I understand why the decision was made, I get the sense that a lot of writers have become discouraged because it's become that much harder to get their work discovered.
          Suffice to say, I've seen a lot of changes on Wattpad. Outside articles say the readership on here is becoming slim, but every other platform I've explored just doesn't have the same interface or there's little to no option to offer your work for free. And I already get the sense on Wattpad that the paid story system has its ups and downs. It supports writers; but can frustrate readers.
          So I land on self-publishing. Not saying Rhapsody is headed down that road, but in exploring a potential future as a writer, I have to consider my options.
          Open forum here. No judgment at all. How are you, as readers, liking the coin system? Do you mostly come on Wattpad to read free stories? How do you feel when you come across a story on Wattpad and fall in love with the preview, only to discover you have to go to a different platform or purchase the entire book to finish reading? What do you think of Wattpad writers who decide to take down their work to self-publish? How do you feel, in general, about self-published books?
          Just curious!


@Stealth199 Nope! Still here :)


Did you move somewhere else? I really enjoyed rhapsody, just want to follow if you moved :)


@Akjarah I love your perspective! I identify a lot with it; I, too, really only use Wattpad to write, and to communicate with other writers and readers. For my own reading, I'll typically go to a library or bookstore. But supporting other burgeoning writers like myself has been a huge goal of mine! Part of my goal for this discussion is not just to find the best avenue for myself to get my work out there, but also find where other beginning authors are so we can all support each other! This response was very enlightening and encouraging, thank you!