
Hey, guys.
          	I hope you're all doing great. I've just uploaded another chapter of The Best Woman - go check it out and let me know what you think. I'm loving that we're getting close to some DRAMA in this book! 
          	Have the best day. Xx


@natashapreston QUEEN WE NEED TO TALK awake literally killed me with adrenaline like my heart couldn't take a break I'm so grateful for your books there great 10/10!!


@natashapreston hey there! I have written a book later this year and its called the secrets of the alpha and I  have tried to get my story out there on wattpad to be freatured but I just get ignored, can you add my story to your list of book recommendations? thank you for your time and have a good day/night! 


Hello guys~~❤
          Sorry for randomly just spamming, but it would mean the world to me if you can 
          check out my story “Under Jacarandá Stars” ❤️

          If you are looking for unimaginable journey of love, friendship and romance! You won't be disappointed 
          I am a new writer so please leave your review too so I can improve my writing more:) 
          Comment and vote!
          (I’m willing to do a v4v)
          Thank you ✨


Tasha ilysmmmm, my mom first bought me The Lake for Easter, and I fell in LOVE with your work!! I read The Twin, then The Cellar, and You Will Be Mine, and now I have all of your books! I can't help but say that you have helped me write my stories!! (Which you should check out) and I'm so proud to be a fellow Wattpad writer. -Em