
I updated “Unfinished Business.”


5 chapters of my book “Unfinished Business” have been published! I would love for you to check it out! As the book is yet unfinished ;) please be patient until it is “completed business” :)


@NattKuznetsov Awesome! Thank you, I appreciate it! ❤️❤️❤️


@mjwritesofficial gonna add it to my reading list =)


“I think when people leave your life, it’s one of the saddest things to happen. Why? I think because they take a part of you with them and then leave a part of themselves behind. Now, you’ve got a part of yourself missing, and only an incomplete part of another person to spend the rest of your life remembering. You can try to put your part and their part together to feel whole again, but the pieces won’t fit. So, broken memories is all you have until you either get that person back, or they return the part of you they took with them when they first left your life.” -Nialla Joseph 


“When I was little I was the type of child that believed in any and everything. I believed in fairytales and I thought a story without a happy ending wasn't a story at all. 
          I believed in being good and doing good. I'd watch superhero movies and I'd always want the good guy or superhero to win. I hated the bad guys. I could never understand why they were so evil. I couldn't fathom why the villain wished the worst for the hero. 
          I was all for justice and peace and I still am ... I just never thought I'd be the one everyone wanted justice against. 
          I never thought or even dreamed of being portrait as the villain in my own story.”- Nialla Joseph, Don’t Color My Heart


@JonLeePeto Thank you! I hope you enjoyed what you read. 


@mjwritesofficial Nialla seems like an intriguing narrator.