
Hi! I’m not sure if anyone will read this but if you do just know that I am trying to make a comeback. Many things have happened in my life and I’m slowly getting back to where I was previously. I’m going to try to start updating again, I’m just not going to pressure anything this time around. 


Hi! I’m not sure if anyone will read this but if you do just know that I am trying to make a comeback. Many things have happened in my life and I’m slowly getting back to where I was previously. I’m going to try to start updating again, I’m just not going to pressure anything this time around. 


Okay, so I will probably delete my old stories. I need a fresh start and some people are just rude. So, I figured since I didn’t finish my first two books (because life happens) I would just delete all my first books. I don’t know if anyone will see this but I I think I will for sure be deleting my Jason D. Story and my first Embry C. Story. So I apologize in advance. 


I don’t know if anyone will see this, but I just want to say thank you for all the support on why I ended my Prince Ben Book. I know it wasn’t finished and I cannot apologize enough for how all your kind words have helped my anxiety about the book. There may come a time in the future when I start writing it again (though I doubt it) but I just wanted to say thank you! 


Hello, everyone. 
          Now, I haven’t posted on here like this before and I also haven’t updated any of my stories. I haven’t been feeling like myself lately, if you understand. And I really want to find myself again and change whatever I need to change. So I will be going on a hiatus and discontinuing all of my books for now. I may of may NOT be back. I don’t know yet. But I hope everyone understands. I love all my readers and I hope to be back! If not then I loved going through this ride with you all❤️❤️❤️