
To those wondering, I do not publish on Neobook. Sorry!! Also so so so sorry for the late chapter publishings, I'm trying to get the next chapter done as quick as possible for you all! I have been swamped with school, my weekend job, family stuff, etc. Also I do get my phone taken a lot (even though I'm a junior ), which is another reason the chapters are being posted so slow. Again, I'm really sorry and I'm working on a new update!!


To those wondering, I do not publish on Neobook. Sorry!! Also so so so sorry for the late chapter publishings, I'm trying to get the next chapter done as quick as possible for you all! I have been swamped with school, my weekend job, family stuff, etc. Also I do get my phone taken a lot (even though I'm a junior ), which is another reason the chapters are being posted so slow. Again, I'm really sorry and I'm working on a new update!!


Will you make any other rp books?


I did not get a notification about that. So sorry.


@BigD134 yeah I could possibly do that. also, didn't you tell me to message you if I was interested in your character too? I messaged you but you haven't replied back yet so I'm just wondering why


So after thinking about it. A school rp could be interesting. You can have multiple different types if rp within a school.