
The Boiling Point hit 100k reads! (well 105k, but who's counting?) Thank you so much for getting it to this milestone. From the readers who have been here since the first chapter to the readers who are stumbling onto it now, I appreciate every single one of you ❤️


here since the first 3 chapters on episode haha 


NEED to know how the story continues really enjoyed it and the writing as silly as it sounds it was written realistically as life would go really enjoyed it and completely different to what i normally read where things run smoothly if you know what I mean. Thought it was brilliant can’t wait for book 2 :) 


@amyy_7 It has a story on Episode game which I don't know, do you have any idea?


The Boiling Point hit 100k reads! (well 105k, but who's counting?) Thank you so much for getting it to this milestone. From the readers who have been here since the first chapter to the readers who are stumbling onto it now, I appreciate every single one of you ❤️


here since the first 3 chapters on episode haha 


Hello loves, long time no talk! I hadn’t planned to go radio silent but pretty much right after The Boiling Point was completed, a rough patch of life started and writing took a backseat. But I’m working my way out of the rough patch and getting back into writing, and hopefully I’ll be able to give you an update on my upcoming books soon.
          Also you might have heard that Wattpad are updating their content guidelines and raising the age of consent from 16 to 18, which basically means that characters under 18 can have sexual relationships but they can’t be descriptive and can only be alluded to. This means that since In Waves is set in high school and the main characters are 16/17, I’ve had to make some edits. This isn’t really a spicy story so thankfully there wasn’t too much to edit, but since Lia was experiencing a lot of firsts in her relationship, those descriptions have been changed to prevent the book from being removed. Everyone in The Boiling Point is 18+, so nothing has changed there.
          That being said, Wattpad has also implemented AI to start flagging stories and a lot of authors are having their books removed with no warning even if they’ve followed guidelines. So if my books suddenly disappear, I don’t want you to think I’ve removed them myself. Obviously I hope it doesn’t come to that, but it’s a possibility.   
          This sucks but it is what it is and if any of my books are removed - you can bet that I’ll find another way to keep publishing somewhere else so you can still read them ❤️


Hey…waiting for The Boiling Point season 2
            I’m soo eager to know the latter part 


@Fondness_Fantasies Ahh yes I love your comments, always enjoy reading them! :)


The LAST chapter of The Boiling Point is now out! I'm not going to say last update because as you know, there's still going to be a book 2 with plenty more updates to come with that one! But for now, I hope you enjoy this last chapter ❤️


I’m dying and crying over here


Hello, loves! It’s been 2 days since In Waves was updated, so by now you know that it was the last update and it’s completed - book 1 that is. The story will be continued with book 2, although right now the publishing date is TBD. As soon as I have more info I’ll let you know. What I’ll tell you now is that book 2 takes a more mature and darker turn from what you’ve read so far. I’m not saying it’s all doom and gloom, but it’s not going to be exactly like In Waves because the story is evolving with Lia and everything she’s experiencing, every high and low and wave that hits her.
          I also want to thank you all so much for reading this story and supporting me. Updating regularly and reading all your comments was a weekly highlight I’ll miss, you keep me motivated and it really means the world to me. For now, The Boiling Point still has its Sunday updates, so I’m not disappearing off the face of the earth! ❤️


Stopp im so excited. ❤️❤️❤️ you and ur stories girl. 


In Waves has been updated! I won't say much just yet, but I really hope you're happy by the end of this one (I know I was when I wrote it lol) ❤️