
soo its been a really long time since i updated but i feel like you guys deserve an explanation. i stopped writing "paper hearts" due to some personal issues and personally ive been going through alot of stuff mentally and i havent had the energy to write or do anything for that matter so i sincerely apologise. im so happy to see that people are still reading "idol" and i do read every comment so thank you so much for the support! im not making any promises, but i really do love writing and hope that i can continue once ive healed. in the meantime, take care everyone <3


soo its been a really long time since i updated but i feel like you guys deserve an explanation. i stopped writing "paper hearts" due to some personal issues and personally ive been going through alot of stuff mentally and i havent had the energy to write or do anything for that matter so i sincerely apologise. im so happy to see that people are still reading "idol" and i do read every comment so thank you so much for the support! im not making any promises, but i really do love writing and hope that i can continue once ive healed. in the meantime, take care everyone <3


heyy guysss, just wanted to check in and see how everyones doing? i hope yall take care of yourselves :))


@omarwa123 im good! thats great to hear<3


@jungwonslatte hello<3 im doing great ty for asking hbu?