
Hello everyone, thank you all for liking my books. As you can see I am a cliffhanger author. I know people don't like it, I get it. It can be annoying as hell. But I do enjoy writing cliff hangers because then it's up to you the reader to imagine or make your own story as to what has happened. 
          	As of right now, my adult life is extremely busy and has been for some years now. I don't have as much time to write as I'd like. So from here until I say other wise, NO BOOKS WILL BE GETTING A SEQUAL. NO BOOKS WILL BE UPDATED. Until further notice.  I'm sorry, I know how this can make people feel, I dislike when my favorite books don't finish or go on. But I'm sorry, I wasn't prepared for how big my books would become. I wrote these all in high school and I'm now about to graduate college! I hope to one day find the time to revisit them and add a sequel. But as of now the answer is NO.


@juiceboxbrat159 I understand being busy in life.  I just have one question for you .... Did you plan on writing the rest of Cormac's, Adam's, Levi's, & Hanna's stories? Is this something that I have to watch out for because I'd be really interested.  
          	  Thank you! 


@juiceboxbrat159 You really should finish the ones you started. It's really not fair to the readers. You even said you don't like it when it happens to you, and yet you did it yourself. If your not going to finish the ones you do have up then take them down.


Really enjoyed the alphas challenge. You hooked me into Levi’s story! 
          Would love to see where his goes. 
           But understand a lot of this writing is hobby based. Well done


@rubyreads12 thank you for letting me know 


@MissJ2713 Cliffhanger. Great read though


@rubyreads12 Hey, that is the same book I've saved so I can read it soon, just wondering, and as per the author's message - was this book finished or does it end on a cliff hanger?


Hello everyone, thank you all for liking my books. As you can see I am a cliffhanger author. I know people don't like it, I get it. It can be annoying as hell. But I do enjoy writing cliff hangers because then it's up to you the reader to imagine or make your own story as to what has happened. 
          As of right now, my adult life is extremely busy and has been for some years now. I don't have as much time to write as I'd like. So from here until I say other wise, NO BOOKS WILL BE GETTING A SEQUAL. NO BOOKS WILL BE UPDATED. Until further notice.  I'm sorry, I know how this can make people feel, I dislike when my favorite books don't finish or go on. But I'm sorry, I wasn't prepared for how big my books would become. I wrote these all in high school and I'm now about to graduate college! I hope to one day find the time to revisit them and add a sequel. But as of now the answer is NO.


@juiceboxbrat159 I understand being busy in life.  I just have one question for you .... Did you plan on writing the rest of Cormac's, Adam's, Levi's, & Hanna's stories? Is this something that I have to watch out for because I'd be really interested.  
            Thank you! 


@juiceboxbrat159 You really should finish the ones you started. It's really not fair to the readers. You even said you don't like it when it happens to you, and yet you did it yourself. If your not going to finish the ones you do have up then take them down.


Why did i find the same story under the saviors mate by jessica on another app. Is that you? On there, they have 184 chapters.


6.9 million people read it on that platform. ( according to the app) and it's not free to read... people pay there for it. ( my all time favorit book was taken as well from wattpad and now it's all around the apps for ridiculous price. I fought them for months but if not the author report it,  they don't even answer ) 


@juiceboxbrat159 might want to contact dmca@noveltells.net too. Just found your story there also listed as by Jessica


@CarlaCulverhouse that is so wrong, smh. Hopefully, you will be able to continue their story. I loved your book so far