
Is this my all time favorite chapter? 
          	Hard to say but it is on the list.


Hey, Joy! Hope you’re doing ok<3
          I have this idea if you want to write about it sometime:)) 
          It’s set during Carters pregnancy after her and Donovan discover that they can’t have another child. I remember in the chapter where they find out that the last portion of the pregnancy was going to be tough.
          I was wondering if they could ever visit Donovans parents and have her be alone with his mother when the same pain kicks in. I’m wondering how she would react and how she would help Carter given that she has had four kids. What would also be interesting, is if this could play out while maybe some of Donovans brothers are home as well (but not Donovan himself). 
          I imagine they wouldn’t know how to help, and that their mother would take charge. Also wondering if Carter ever opened up to her about her inability to have more children?
          Another idea totally; Carter maybe talking to Maddy about the fact that both of them only has one child. Did Maddy ever struggle with something similar to Carter in terms of her body?


          You have been booped!
          Boop 10 others to spread the loving boops!


@_Daughter_Of_Hera_ Haha! What a delightful thing to be booped! ☺️
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Question of the week: what is your special interest? This is the interest/topic you could easily talk about for hours.
          Mine: writing and the cultural, global, economical, and musical impact of BTS. 


@joymoment Baking/food, books, history, tennis, and writing
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@joymoment looks like I’m the only idiot here
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@joymoment surgeries, blood consistancy, symptoms and diagnosis 
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Hey author! Sorry for rudely barging into your profile conversation , but please check out my novel ' Veiled Love'. Btw love your work!


@heyciri_ oh bummer! but thank you very much ❤️
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@heyciri_ First off, congrats!! Your debut novel! That’s fantastic!! Second and sadly, I don’t read books with mature content. I do wish you the best of luck with your writing! ❤️ 
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          How are you
          I was just wondering if there is something separate for Alwyn and Wilder from the Royals tale
          I cannot get their love story out of my head it's too good 
          I love your books btw ❤️


@_lama_drama that would be amazing  Alwyn and Wilder are lovelies, I can't get enough of them, and Joy if you write it, it'll be so godd;)
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@_lama_drama hahaha 
            I guess we'll see 
            Thank you❤️
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@_lama_drama I love that you enjoy them!! And sadly no, I don’t have a separate book for Alwyn and Wilder but you never know, I could write their story… that might be interesting! I guess we’ll have to wait and see if I do at some point ☺️


This might be one of my favorites because I loved seeing the different dynamics Donovan has with each parent.


@Ayle_ee Oh my gosh! That’s amazing!! Congratulations!!! ❤️❤️ I am honestly feel honored that you wanted to tell me! Thank you! ❤️ 


@joymoment totally unrelated to ur post but I got the stream I wanted, and now I can continue on my dream! Just wanted to let u know


Question of the week: if you could live somewhere else for a month where would you want to live? 
          For me, definitely Busan, South Korea 
          P. S. Small steps are being taken towards Zach and Ash again! Woohoo! 


@joymoment I would love to live in bali beside the ocean 
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@joymoment yh. I love being with my friends all but i wish we didnt have to study so much. It's okay tho cuz I'm the kind of person who barely studies but still gets good grades
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@sadiekane4life Sounds like stepping back in time! Nice! 


A soft tap on my door make me look up. Peeking through a small crack is Link, smiling at me. Donovan’s head pops up above Link and I can’t help my grin.
          “We figured it’s been too long since people experienced our side of everything,” Link says.
          I gesture for them to come in. “I agree. Welcome back.” 


Question of the week: what would be the opening line of a book about your life? 
          Mine: Her smile held more than just happiness.
          P. S. Really sorry this is soooo late, my morning was bonkers 


@joymoment "I need your therapist's number, and I need it NOW!"