
          	First of all, I can't believe Saving Grace has over 2K views!! I was not expecting that many people to see my story and I'm so thankful so many people have given it a chance. Secondly, I am going to try my best to update Saving Grace on a regular schedule from now on (every Sunday)!! I know the story has been on a hiatus for the past few months, but I've gotten back into writing it recently and have a few fun ideas for it. NEXT CHAPTER COMING TOMORROW! 
          	I'm going to start doing reader shoutouts in the beginning of chapters!! It's a little way for me to show all the gratitude I have for you guys leaving support ❤️❤️ be sure to check for them in the coming chapters!
          	As always, thank you so much for the votes and reviews. Your comments truly make my day! Constructive criticism is always more than welcome. If you have an idea for the story or any requests, please let me know, I'd love to hear them!!
          	❤️ Jace


          First of all, welcome back to wattpad! Sending lots of luv and positivity your way, anyways, the chapter was as per usual awesome! Hoping for some more amazing chapters in the upcoming future ( again no pressure) !!
          Take ur time!
          Oh and pm me if you wanna have conversation (..even tho I'm really awkward offline, I can put up a good convo online soo :) 


@jacelynsilver Your very welcome! Besides, your story is one of the few I have stuck around with. Even though I read less books about dc these days, yours is one that I often come back to re-read! Its really well written. <333


@p8k9f5j7 Aww, thank you so much!! I'm so glad you're still enjoying the story-- I think you must be one of its first readers. Definitely will be adding another chapter sometime this week (prob Thursday). Appreciate you!


Hi. Just wanted to check if you're here on Wattpad or not? I am very engrossed in your book Saving Grace. To be honest, I really like everything about it. I was hoping for an update (not wanting to pressurize you) So if possible, please update it.


Thanks and the chapter was great!


@p8k9f5j7 absolutely!! I'm so glad you like the book! A lot of people have been asking me to update the story over the past few months-- and I'm sorry it's taken so long, it took a while for me to get inspired again. But, I'm putting a new chapter up within the next few hours! I hope you like it 


Hello @jacelynsilver 
          I really like your book, Saving Grace. I love the fact that there is so much character development going on.  The plot is wonderful and I am honestly getting quite excited about what is going to happen next. This book is probably one of the best books that I have read on Wattpad. I would like to request you to update this book (no pressure on you though, take your time) Thanks


and your welcome


Thank you!


@p8k9f5j7 awww, thank you so much!!! That's so incredibly kind of you. I'm so glad you like the story! I lost motivation to keep updating the story a few months ago, but you're in luck! Lately I've been having more ideas for it and I've been thinking about picking it up again :)) comments like yours are also so inspiring and motivating honestly  I'll try to have an update soon (probably this weekend?) Again, thank you so much!


          First of all, I can't believe Saving Grace has over 2K views!! I was not expecting that many people to see my story and I'm so thankful so many people have given it a chance. Secondly, I am going to try my best to update Saving Grace on a regular schedule from now on (every Sunday)!! I know the story has been on a hiatus for the past few months, but I've gotten back into writing it recently and have a few fun ideas for it. NEXT CHAPTER COMING TOMORROW! 
          I'm going to start doing reader shoutouts in the beginning of chapters!! It's a little way for me to show all the gratitude I have for you guys leaving support ❤️❤️ be sure to check for them in the coming chapters!
          As always, thank you so much for the votes and reviews. Your comments truly make my day! Constructive criticism is always more than welcome. If you have an idea for the story or any requests, please let me know, I'd love to hear them!!
          ❤️ Jace


          Hey guys!! I know it's been a long time since I've updated Saving Grace and I'm so sorry about that-- I've just been really busy with school. But keep an eye out, I'll be updating it tomorrow!! 
          Over the next two weeks you can expect FREQUENT updates on Saving Grace. My holiday gift to all of you who are following the story/have added it to your libraries/reading lists!
          Thank you, take care of yourselves, and happy holidays!!! ⛄☃️


Heyyy guys!! This is so random but I'm looking for a really specific Batman fanfiction that I read a while ago. It's about Jason getting closer to the bat family again-- the only detail I can remember is that Jason attended Duke's birthday party and gave him a hand-carved chess set as a gift. Not a lot to go off of, I know, haha. I've been looking for it and I can't find it... It was one of the best fanfictions I've ever read. Pretty sure it wasn't on Wattpad. If anybody has read this and knows which fic I'm talking about, please please please let me know!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! ❤️❤️


If you've stumbled upon my page, it's probably from Saving Grace, my Batman fanfiction. I just have to say, I never expected it to have so many reads! Thank you guys so much! I know I promised an update soon in my last chapter and I'm sorry I haven't uploaded it yet-- it's coming tomorrow, and then I'll update again on Saturday, just so those of you who are following the story know. 
          Thanks, guys, and hang in there!❤️❤️