
happy sunday, my dudes! 
          	so, i'm posting a shameless plug so don't kill me, but today i officially dropped my etsy shop! hooraaay, lol. a few months ago, i started on a journey to find old abandoned books  in thrift stores and rummage sales so i could clean them up and give them a second chance. since then, i've been working hard at rebinding them with new hard covers and fresh original designs, and now i'm finally ready to share these books i'm calling special editions ;) 
          	i'd be so so grateful if you guys would take a sec and give my lil store a peek:
          	thanks for supporting me all this time! love you all and happy reading xx


@Mellovespets thank you so so much, that means so much to me!


hiiiii!! i love ur work i've been reading for a while now prolly since 2020 and i just wanted to say that i love the way you start your chapters and add gifs and quotes and all that and i just wanted to ask if i could use your writing style in my next story (i won't use any of your ideas, just the way you kinda like decorate your stories) and i'd credit you, if you agree if you dont its completely fine and tyy!! <3


hey i’ve been following ur account and stories for a while and i’ve always wanted to ask, what’s your process when starting a new story? what does your outline for the story and OCs look like? and how did you manage to write out the existing characters in the universe so well they feel like their actual characters? 
          i’m genuinely astound by all your writings got me through highschool and now i’m in uni :)) your mind seems like such a fascinating place. like seriously, i would love to read your analysis on any characters! 


happy sunday, my dudes! 
          so, i'm posting a shameless plug so don't kill me, but today i officially dropped my etsy shop! hooraaay, lol. a few months ago, i started on a journey to find old abandoned books  in thrift stores and rummage sales so i could clean them up and give them a second chance. since then, i've been working hard at rebinding them with new hard covers and fresh original designs, and now i'm finally ready to share these books i'm calling special editions ;) 
          i'd be so so grateful if you guys would take a sec and give my lil store a peek:

          thanks for supporting me all this time! love you all and happy reading xx


@Mellovespets thank you so so much, that means so much to me!


Hey I started reading poison and wine and it is so good


@Sahar_sadozai20 thank you so much for reading!


And best part is I’m Afghan so when people find out there like u know marvel ur country kidnapped iron man


hey annie just wondering if the legacy series is discontinued (i’m like 99% sure it is lmao)


oh my goodness!!! you don’t know how happy this made me, i actually miss svetti sooooo much 


@leclercsgf1 hey! it's not officially discontinued, i've just been on a hiatus from writing it since i haven't been very inspired, but hopefully i'll get back to it soon :)


My friend! How have you been? I hope your wedding plans are going well!
          (Side note, but I have a friend who's a really big Harry Potter fan, and I told her about White Flag so she could read it. I haven't read Harry Potter yet or seen the movies besides the first Fantastic Beasts, but once I do, I'm coming back to your fics :) )


@illisius I've been well! Congratulations! Of course! :)


@WillowRavenheart24 hey, i've been doing well, how are you? and thank you so much, i actually got married back in january :) 
            and thank you so much for sharing the word! it's been such a fun journey writing it!