
A TikTok comment gave me the idea to write an origins story for Alastor!! I'll be using the Hazbin wiki to help me write it so it's as lore accurate as possible but if there are any little facts you know about alastor before he came to Hell reply to this so I can add them in the fic!!


A TikTok comment gave me the idea to write an origins story for Alastor!! I'll be using the Hazbin wiki to help me write it so it's as lore accurate as possible but if there are any little facts you know about alastor before he came to Hell reply to this so I can add them in the fic!!


I promise updates for the fics I’m currently writing are coming soon!! I’ve been been swamped with hw for my classes 


@hooman_does_cosplay and because she like overlord zestial but she knows zestial and camilla love each other but she doesn't want come between them lovers.


@hooman_does_cosplay could you make y/n panic attack that making Vox worried.


          It's not hazbin related at all. I still have writer's block cause I'm not sure where or how to go with it. Thought you'd like a read since I'm reading yours. 


Ooo thank you I’ll definitely check it out!!