
Obsessed has 700 votes thats literally insane i remember how excited i was to get 7 kajdsmkdsmsj


I've just posted the first chapter for a brand new work!! I'm really excited about it and even though its a different ship than my other work I hope people check it out because I'm already working rly hard on it. its called a crack in the foundation (lowercase for aesthetic lol) and its a drarry fanfiction. If you read it i hope you like the intro chapter!!!


what if i just like... started writing fanfic again... lol


@MiinaWolf thank you so much! i love writing and i love harry potter so i will definitely be writing more for that fandom. it means so much to me that people genuinely liked my writing, especially when ive been away from it for so long :)


if you do can it please be harry potter fanfic because obsessed was probably the best fanfic i have ever read


Ok, how do u have such a small amount of followers?! Ur fudging Amazing! I can't! Y?! U deserve sooooo many more!


Ur welcome! And it's not a complement, it's just the truth❤