
Against all odds, I am still alive. I can only apologize for the lack of updates or word of what I’m up to. I’ve basically been dealing with depression and suicidal tendencies. Not really the best head space to write fluffy romance, yeah? I can’t promise there will be new updates soon, but I can promise I’ll try.


You are not alone. Depression is a very, very real hell on earth. It’s like wading through chest deep water, seeing the boat that’ll save you just off shore, but with every step you take trying to push through the water the waves just keep crashing over your head. I’m not saying this to make you feel worse. I am saying this to help give you some visualization that tells you others truly understand. There are many of us who have been where you are and have crawled out of the valley of the shadow of death to feel the light and warmth of the sun on our face again. Depression is very terrifying, but it is very survivable and you only come out stronger and more compassionate on the other side. I love your heart. I love your soul. You will find the light and feel the warmth again.


@drahcirwolf So good to hear from you, man. You stay focused on your well being. You've got a lot of us in your corner, whether we all pipe up or don't. I second what @lynnegev said to end this transmission. Be well, great sir. 


Against all odds, I am still alive. I can only apologize for the lack of updates or word of what I’m up to. I’ve basically been dealing with depression and suicidal tendencies. Not really the best head space to write fluffy romance, yeah? I can’t promise there will be new updates soon, but I can promise I’ll try.


You are not alone. Depression is a very, very real hell on earth. It’s like wading through chest deep water, seeing the boat that’ll save you just off shore, but with every step you take trying to push through the water the waves just keep crashing over your head. I’m not saying this to make you feel worse. I am saying this to help give you some visualization that tells you others truly understand. There are many of us who have been where you are and have crawled out of the valley of the shadow of death to feel the light and warmth of the sun on our face again. Depression is very terrifying, but it is very survivable and you only come out stronger and more compassionate on the other side. I love your heart. I love your soul. You will find the light and feel the warmth again.


@drahcirwolf So good to hear from you, man. You stay focused on your well being. You've got a lot of us in your corner, whether we all pipe up or don't. I second what @lynnegev said to end this transmission. Be well, great sir. 