
Thank you for your support and encouraging words. Things are... not the best right now so I appreciate you guys understanding the situation and I'm thankful. I shall be on break till April. After that I'll start writing again as right now I cannot focus on writing or get the time to write. Thank you for your patience as always. 


Hey girlll its been a while sinve we heard from u just wanted to check up on u anf if everythings okayy also how are u doingg


@dalleeee hope his cuddles will motivate you 


@lixiebee I'm done moving and the chonk is doing great. He cuddles with me at night to sleep hehe.


@dalleeee oooh, good luck shifting! Also how's your cat?


Thank you for your support and encouraging words. Things are... not the best right now so I appreciate you guys understanding the situation and I'm thankful. I shall be on break till April. After that I'll start writing again as right now I cannot focus on writing or get the time to write. Thank you for your patience as always. 


Hey guys
          I should've said this a long time ago but I didn't want to do this. However now I have to do this as it's getting worse. 
          I'm taking a break. 
          I promise to finish Wolfgang once I'm back. Wolfgang won't remain an unfinished story I promise. I already have much prepared so don't worry.
          However currently I need to do this. I'm sorry. Take care of yourselves in the mean time. 
          ~ Dallee


@dalleeee there's nothing to be sorry of , love we understand , take your time and stay safe <3


@ dalleeee  oke take ur time and take care of yourself too


Dalle update or the dog dies : 


this message may be offensive
@unknownreader766 No cuz ive had too much patience rn and i read wolfgang fucking 2 times over and over again , and now i even memorised the dialogues *blowing nose into tissue emoji* *sad emoji*


Hey guys 
          Pls make sure to follow my insta cuz it's easier to do polls there as wattpad doesn't have a function like community tab so yea 
          Do check my insta and give your vote on the poll
          Have a good day 
          Working on recovery so I can get back to writing soon
          ~ Dallee