
Hey y'all. 
          	Learning of Technoblade's passing last night was heartbreaking. I really don't know what else I can say, except that he will be missed very much by his community. 
          	The most recent chapter of Blind being about Techno's death and resurrection is a pretty twisted irony. My intention has always been to finish the story, but I feel conflicted; is it respectful to carry on with a character when the person behind the character is newly deceased? Blind is close to being finished, but the moralities of the situation are making me hesitant to continue writing. I think I might need to take a bit to process and organize my thoughts and feelings so I can come to a conclusion.


I can feel you with the writing I had an entire story planned but techno was one of the main characters so I don’t know if it’s appropriate to continue or not, but I probably will in honour of techno and to keep his legacy alive, tho I doubt it will ever die. Any way do what you feel is right ❤️


Um, hi
          I noticed you haven't really updated recently and I wanted to ask if you are ok and if you have stopped writing


@cynicalpessimist100 oh ok! Hope you are doing ok :)


@ilovepandas433 Hey! I did stop writing for a while, and this is actually the first time I've checked this website since posting the last chapter however long ago it was. I'm perfectly ok though; things in my life just got busy.


Hey y'all. 
          Learning of Technoblade's passing last night was heartbreaking. I really don't know what else I can say, except that he will be missed very much by his community. 
          The most recent chapter of Blind being about Techno's death and resurrection is a pretty twisted irony. My intention has always been to finish the story, but I feel conflicted; is it respectful to carry on with a character when the person behind the character is newly deceased? Blind is close to being finished, but the moralities of the situation are making me hesitant to continue writing. I think I might need to take a bit to process and organize my thoughts and feelings so I can come to a conclusion.


I can feel you with the writing I had an entire story planned but techno was one of the main characters so I don’t know if it’s appropriate to continue or not, but I probably will in honour of techno and to keep his legacy alive, tho I doubt it will ever die. Any way do what you feel is right ❤️


Due to fires near my home and the need for evacuation, the next chapter of Blind will probably be delayed because I can’t focus very well on writing. I’m fine and my family is safe, with a place to go. Thank you for your patience; I estimate the next installment will be ready some time around the 15th. 


@cynicalpessimist100 oh no, I hope you guys stay safe! Don't worry about writing.


          The next chapter of Blind is supposed to be out right now, but unfortunately I’m having some technical issues (ie. Wattpad won’t let me copy-paste my story and since it’s already one in the morning I’m not spending a few hours typing it out again), and so chapter 23 will be postponed until tomorrow. Very sorry for the delay, and I hope it’s worth the wait! 


@cynicalpessimist100 that's okay! Take all the time you need :)


when will the next chapter of blind be released?? 


should be out this weekend. i try to follow a two-week schedule, ie. the next chapter should be released two weeks after the last one. planning to finish it up today and do some editing before uploading it tomorrow! hope that helps!


this message may be offensive
The fact that I have more followers than you when you're writing is so fucking good makes me very upset. I need to get three more people to follow you. Where do I find people. 


@CasperButRude ill help, i want my grandpa back


:D thank you so much!!! I suppose the best way to do this is to get out the old tome of necromancy, and reanimate three corpses to follow...


i am number one cynicalpessimist100 fan. 
          no but honestly, meep up the amazing work and don’t burn yourself out. also looking super forward to the new chapter of my blind. ^^


            Aww! Thank you so much!! It's always messages like these that make me want to write more! :D


keep not meep omfg 


Hey! I was just wondering when the next chapter of “Blind” will be? No rush, I just wanna know when to expect it. Usually I would look at your update schedule but it says it will be posted on the 21st, and it’s already past then /nm /gen. anyways hope ur having a good day :))


Thank you very much! Hope you enjoy the next update :) <3


Alright thanks for the update! Have a safe flight :)


@astylaks Hey! Things have been super busy recently, I actually totally forgot about that date! Thanks for reminding me! So, since I'm going to be getting on a 10 hour flight tomorrow, and chapter 17 is like a fourth done (I procrastinated HARD on this one lol) I'm planning to finish it up on that flight, then post it probably the day after I land since I'll be too tired to edit it afterwards. I'd say to expect it around the 24th or so; I'll change my profile to reflect that too. Hope you're having a great day as well! :D