
Hey guys!!!  
          	I hope all of you are surviving!
          	But I had a crazy idea which some of you prob won’t want to read but it’s okay. 
          	I just started a new book reflecting in if Delano chose Bria how will their life be. Now he was never with Gia in this book. But yeah, check it out if you’re interested. 
          	Disclaimer::: Bria is still the same. So she might cause some anger lol. 


Are they all the same characters


Lol I saw you reading though! It’s okay! I hope you and your kiddies are good!


@craziilnlove idk where I been but I missed mad books I hate catching up lmao fr I hope you surviving too 


Author I think I Confused myself. I read Gia beginning first, now I am reading my Secret mistake, things  are not falling in place for me. Can you help me get some clarity with our ruining things for others.


I just wanna say how dare you disappear then come back and shock our systems with Crumble 2? Lol but thank you so much for the updates. My mouth has been on the floor with these last two chapters. I can't wait for the next one!