
Hi bois!
          	Just wanted to let ya'll know that the upload for Friday is ready and if you want to see a sneak peek into what it entails (it's spicy), check out my most recent video on TikTok. I'll link it in my bio if it's not already there. 
          	Okay, byyyyyyeeeee


@AlyssaKitty4 She's good! The healing process is super slow since she had two operations on the same spot on her jaw within weeks but we'll be able to take the cone off in one week exactly.


@courtichki Can’t wait! How’s your dog?


Hi bois!
          Just wanted to let ya'll know that the upload for Friday is ready and if you want to see a sneak peek into what it entails (it's spicy), check out my most recent video on TikTok. I'll link it in my bio if it's not already there. 
          Okay, byyyyyyeeeee


@AlyssaKitty4 She's good! The healing process is super slow since she had two operations on the same spot on her jaw within weeks but we'll be able to take the cone off in one week exactly.


@courtichki Can’t wait! How’s your dog?


Hi Bois, 
          I hate to do this but I won’t have an upload for “Pack Secrets” tomorrow. 
          Due to some symptoms my dog is presenting I was called by the vet on Monday and told that it’s possible she has cancer which has been really shaking my world since then. Specifically since she’s only two years old. I have not been able to write or edit anything since I got that call. We have another appointment today so hopefully we’ll figure everything out and I’ll be able to get a chapter to y’all by next week. Until then, thank you for your understanding and patience. 


@spacegirl_9 Surgery went well yesterday and we think we found the source of the medical issues so everything is looking up from here! Thank you for the kind words (:


That’s awful. Take care of her and yourself. Take your time with the book. No rush!


@myhabibti thanks! She’s in surgery now so we’ll know soon (: 


Hey bois! 
          I’ll save the details for myself but yesterday was another one of those days in which I was in the vet’s office in the morning and urgent care in the afternoon. 
          Long story short, I don’t have an update for “Pack Secrets” this week. I am beat. 
          On the flip side, I have finished the second round of editing for my zombie apocalypse meets reality television show novel and it is by far, the best thing I’ve ever written. 
          Its got forbidden love, high stakes, gay stuff, betrayal, and so many interesting zombies. 
          I cannot wait to see what you all think. 
          Here’s hoping I’m able to traditionally publish it and get it in bookstores. Fingers crossed and of course, I’ll keep you all updated every step of the way. 
          Housekeeping for anyone new here: I am active on TikTok and Instagram (although I’m trying to be better about both). They’re both linked in my bio and I’d love it if you guys could give me a follow over there as well. It’s where I post updates and artsy stuff about my stories. For example, text messages between characters or tweets from others. I also want to start getting into some behind the scenes author stuff but haven’t yet. 
          Anyway, that’s all I have for now! I hope you all have a lovely weekend (: 


Lots of updates! 
          Just wanted to drop in and let you guys know that "Pack Secrets" is being uploaded to Inkitt as well as Wattpad as of today. 
          So, with that, how many of you are on that site/app as well?
          Have you ever heard of it? 
          Today was the first time I'd heard of it and I figured I'd go test the waters over there so if any of you want to be my first follower, the spot is available lol
          If you do end up following me on the other site, make sure you send me a message letting me know you're from Wattpad so I can say thank you for the support (:


I’m on Inkitt! Is your user the same over there?


Hey all! 
          I just wanted to give you all a heads up that I’m considering taking “Loser” down for a little while and kind of creating… a new “Loser”. I’m not entirely sure about the decision yet, but I wanted you guys to know that it’s a possibility. 
          That’s all! Let me know if you have any questions (: 


@courtichki for me, if you mess with brittany or burke, im coming after you. youre gonna get jumped. (in game right chat)


@idksnowbarry lol there is literally ONE character I am too scared to mess with because I know people are gonna come after me if I do haha 


@courtichki OH LMFAO i got worried. honestly, do what you feel comfortable with. we will be here to read it. but yes id burn you alive if you killed off brittany (no i wouldnt) yes i would (i wouldnt) but..


Hi guys! 
          Just wanted to drop by here and let you know that there will be no update for "Pack Secrets" tomorrow! Unfortunately, the story never really took off like I hoped it would so I'm going to be placing it on a backburner this week so I can finish the first edit of my current WIP. 
          Thank you all for your patience and I should have an update for you next week.


@Jeslynelli I won’t leave it unfinished! I promise (: I’m just losing my mind over this other project and need to hammer it out so I can regain some of my sanity. 


@courtichki can't wait.... I still like pack secrets.


@Jeslynelli zombies  sort of? It’s kind of like a “The Last of Us” meets “The Hunger Games” story but, of course with a sapphic forbidden romance subplot. 


what's your youtube channel called?


@selah_maxime02 Aw I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading (: 


oh ok thanks anyway! also i just finished reading loser 2 and its amazing. traumatising, but amazing lol.


@selah_maxime02 Hi! Unfortunately, I don't post on YouTube anymore. I did at some point but I don't even remember what it was called, ngl.


Hi lovely people! 
          Sorry for the second post in the last few days but I wanted to let you guys know that since I will be celebrating the holiday today (doing absolutely nothing), I will not be posting a chapter for "Pack Secrets" tomorrow. 
          Along with that, "Pack Secrets" will return to a once-weekly schedule for a variety of reasons. This may change again in the future when I wrap up the writing process on my current novel and free up some time on my hands. 
          As always, thank you for understanding and I will see you all on Friday with an update on "Pack Secrets".


I’m sure the patience will be worth it so, see you Friday!


Just thought I’d drop by here and update you guys on my current WIP (no, not Pack Secrets but the novel I’m going to traditionally publish). 
          I just about finished the rough draft and decided I hate it. I’m not sure why my brain couldn’t figure that out before I’d written my 60 thousand word manuscript but life is life. Lol at me. 
          Anyways, last night I figured out how I’m going to fix the story but it’s going to require a few extra months of work and an aspect I’ve never worked with before (I’m not being vague on purpose, I’m just not sure how much I can share when it comes to traditional publication). 
          A novel that I wanted to finish up in the next few months may very well become a 2025 thing but at least I’m still going to be able to get my dystopian zombie novel in your hands at some point (: 
          Oh, the joys of being a writer. 


@notjoolia but hunny, you think ALL my work is the best thing ever 


no because nobody even understands how GOOD this book is going to be ❤️


@spacegirl_9 don’t make me cry so early in the morning 


Hi, bois! 
          Remember my last post about "Pack Secrets"? We're gonna double it and give it to the next person. Haha sorry, this week got away from me and I will resume uploading to "Pack Secrets" on Tuesday! 
          Thank you all for understanding! I appreciate it (:


double it and give it to the next person is wild lol


@notjoolia oh nooooo. Don't arrest me, officer. I have a fiancée and two dogs. Who will care for them without me?