
          	The plan to deal with the bombs is deployed


Sigh. I have looked everywhere. Every hard drive. Every backup. Somehow I managed to delete Vampires in Space 2. I was going to start thinking about doing edits there even as I edit and post ViS1 and ... no. Not there. Not anywhere. 
          I wrote the two books back to back a few years ago while I was also working on Cruise Conclave and The Shape of Things to Come because I was setting up the two ViS books back then. (farther back than that, actually.)
          Then I edited Unwanted Power and wrote Mother of Magic. So: a while back. 
          Back then I even wrote ViS 2 first because it was the story I had to get out of my head.
          Now I am re-outlining it from Memory and thinking I'll just make ViS one long book instead. Maria went over 300k after all.
          Sigh. 100,000 words gone.
          Back to the Spaceport. Missing daughters won't find themselves. Morgan on the case.


Glad I found it when I was still publishing early in the book. Hopefully won't slow me down too much


            Oh my gosh.    I know for you that's another of work


          The last two scenes of that chapter, and the chapter marker for the next short: Humanists. 
          Yeah. They are back. Not the same group but the same ideas. But before they show up, how Heather and Adrian deal with Global, and then how Heather deals with Adrian.