
New chapter of Band on the Run guys. We finally got to a serious POINT here.


So glad I decided to check today because I didn’t get lucky last week. So happy any time you update! Hope you’re well. 


@EdanJoan27 you and me both partner, you and me both 


@chooseitwisely I squealed a little when I saw the update notification.  Thank you so much for sticking with this, I've been reading your work since being a teeanger and I'm in my mid twenties now and that is insane to think about 


New chapter of Band on the Run guys. We finally got to a serious POINT here.


So glad I decided to check today because I didn’t get lucky last week. So happy any time you update! Hope you’re well. 


@EdanJoan27 you and me both partner, you and me both 


@chooseitwisely I squealed a little when I saw the update notification.  Thank you so much for sticking with this, I've been reading your work since being a teeanger and I'm in my mid twenties now and that is insane to think about 


I posted a new chapter of Band on the Run last night. Hope you guys like it. 


It’s really cool to see you’re still working on your stories here. I joined Wattpad and started reading your stories about 10 years ago. They were some of my favorites. Definitely inspired me to get a record player, take radio and tv classes in HS, and remain a hopeless romantic.
            Atp, I’m almost 25 and have 2 babes of my own. I don’t read much anymore because I never have time, but I’ll have to take a peek again for some good nostalgia and a trip to adolescence 


Definitely need more already!!! Loved this book for years now! ❤️❤️❤️



Hey guys. It’s been a while I know, but let’s just get on with it. JWIN is getting targeted in the comments by bots, all comments super similar from accounts that have no history on the website, saying that I plagiarized a story they give a link to. I’m not sure if this is a common thing that happens here now? I’m not exactly active on here as much as I should be. I think we can all say confidently that it’s not plagiarized, especially since the book is over ten years old at this point. God I started posting it when I was sixteen or seventeen, I think? And now I’m twenty nine. Anyways, I really hate to see those messages on the book that most of you love so much, it’s pretty disheartening. I’ve sent a message to Wattpad, but if any of you would also like to report the comments, that would be a great step to getting the problem solved. Deleting the messages won’t help, I don’t think, so many just pop up after. I think it’s been over 80 comments at this point. Anyways, love you all, sorry that this is how I reach out. 


@chooseitwisely oh my goodness where did these bastards come from???? There's multiple stories they're linking too, not just the one. Dw i'm reporting both the comments and the accounts
            Wattpad def isn't what it used to be, but what do i know i'm barely on here either  haha. Love you kels, don't take these bots to heart!


Damn wut a buzz kill  sorry Kels, love to see you stopping by though  much love


This has happened to me as well, not on that scale however! It’s so frustrating but reporting the comments and the accounts is the best reaction. Hopefully your readers will do the same! 


Hi, sorry but this is going to be long and sappy because I just finished rereading jwin, worlds apart, and botr consecutively, and I just realized I’ve been reading your stories for 10 years. I first read just what I needed in 2011- I was 12 years old. It was a really bad year for me, I was dealing with a lot of family sh!t, yada yada yada. As an escape I started reading obsessively, and after exhausting my library’s YA section I moved to wattpad where I found you. 
          Before I read your stories, I don’t think anyone had taken the time to show me how to listen to music. Music was the 00s country my mom would play on the radio in the car or the Katy Perry and jay sean they would play at school. It sounds dumb to say, but I had never realized I should stop to LISTEN to lyrics. Your stories, the way you talked about music, and the music you led me to became my ENTIRE personality. I think I worried my 7th grade English teacher because I would write about how much I wrote about how I missed kurt kobain or wished I could’ve gone to woodstock lmao. You single handedly shaped the way I perceive music, and as a result changed my life. 
          Anyway, now im 22 and kind of an adult. I don’t know what my life would be like if I hadn’t read your stories, and I just really wanted to let you know. Sorry if that’s weird lol, but just thank you for what you’ve written, and for continuing to write. I hope you’re doing well!! For as long as you continue to write, you will have a fan in me <3