
Thank you for all the support I have received for my book 'Truth or Dare', it really does mean a lot to me. Unfortunately, my laptop has been broken down for a long time now, so although I have started on a new story for you guys, I'm not able to continue it until I have a new laptop. I know I said I would have the first chapter out by now but I guess things have come in the way of that, so I am sorry. 
          	Now for the real point of this message: what I don't appreciate are the hate messages (and even death threats) that I have received for killing off some of the characters in my book. Obviously, it's going to be upsetting to read, but ultimately, this is a HORROR FANFICTION that YOU chose to read. I am not one to be bothered by hate, but death threats are taking it too far. I have deleted some of the messages, and the people sending them will be blocked. Calm your ass down. 
          	As for everyone else, I love you guys so much and I hope to get a new chapter out for you as soon as I can 


@babymochi101 you deserve it keeps it up (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)


@babymochi101 that would mean a lot to me, thank you very much 


@Shaami25 aww thanks luv, it means a lot 


Thank you for all the support I have received for my book 'Truth or Dare', it really does mean a lot to me. Unfortunately, my laptop has been broken down for a long time now, so although I have started on a new story for you guys, I'm not able to continue it until I have a new laptop. I know I said I would have the first chapter out by now but I guess things have come in the way of that, so I am sorry. 
          Now for the real point of this message: what I don't appreciate are the hate messages (and even death threats) that I have received for killing off some of the characters in my book. Obviously, it's going to be upsetting to read, but ultimately, this is a HORROR FANFICTION that YOU chose to read. I am not one to be bothered by hate, but death threats are taking it too far. I have deleted some of the messages, and the people sending them will be blocked. Calm your ass down. 
          As for everyone else, I love you guys so much and I hope to get a new chapter out for you as soon as I can 


@babymochi101 you deserve it keeps it up (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)


@babymochi101 that would mean a lot to me, thank you very much 


@Shaami25 aww thanks luv, it means a lot 


Hiiii your ff is like damn the truth and dare one is specially my most favourite actually you know when I was done with reading the full story I realised we are reading this story with so much fun but there you working so hard and the storyline and the mind you need to make these type of stories like what will be the twist and  what will be the reasons if Jungkook understand Jin's character, I was so fascinated by the way you wrote the story that I read it like 3 to 4 times now I love the ending like how Jungkook just pulled the covers like that and then on the other hand I felt bad for the characters that died, I really felt like that you will make the characters come back but it's okay....I LOVED IT SO MUCHHHH❣❣❣❣


@bts_fanfics_tae sorry for the late reply   but I rlly appreciate your message, it rlly means a lot xx 


IT'S OFFICIAL !!! I will officially be starting a new BTS horror fanfic, about a cult, called Saint Haven !!! Quite a few of you have been asking when I am going to write a new book after my last book, Truth or Dare, was completed and so since I will have finally finished school at the end of June, you can expect the first few chapters of Saint Haven in July :)


@babymochi101 i hope this fanfiction was good  and exited for us


@babymochi101 You won't. I know that


Heyy i read your book months ago and damn i came bake to see it again I'm in love with your bts ff and wanted to encourage you more you're writing is so good tha i hope you actually become an author in real life love you❤️❤️


@hoesuckmydicks yayyy that's great all the best


@hoesuckmydicks aw thank you !! I am acc planning on writing a new book 