
i posted it. thank you guys it means so so so much. ilysm. 


I read kismet, show me and one other book but it’s been so long and mom brain got my brain all foggy lol. Is there a certain order to read her books in I wanna read them all 


Someone sent me Kismet so I started there and read upwards. But I would start from her very first book and start going towards the front 


Hi I usually don’t do this but I need help finding a book. I’ve been trying to find it for at least a year or so. I don’t remember the name but I do remember a few details about it. 
          - There is a rivalry between two neighbors (an older lady and young lady) 
          - They both bake and are entering a baking contest 
          - The younger neighbor rides a motorcycle 
          - The younger neighbor is also interested in the son of the older neighbor
          - The son does some sort of sport overseas or some thing like that
          - it’s all black characters 
          This is everything I remember about the book
          If you know the book, please help me